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The Unwanted

The Unwanted

Author: chelseeyie
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Chapter 1 Friends

Word Count: 1251    |    Released on: 06/09/2021

re you feeli

e as we started eating in front of our table. I smile

a, just busy with the schoo

to go back to your real famil

" I said, sighing. Bitternes

e care of you anymore because I'm aging," she laughed as she

nd hug her. This is my only way to thank her end

ind you, Jane," she warned, serio

areful on hiding from them," I said as I finished my food. I heard grandma sigh on my r

y never gave. I don't want to be with my family anymore. I feel like I was just a slave to them, following their orders. In a young self of mine, I've been thinking thi

ly back then but unfortunately, she's not capable of doing the cho

r real daughter. Being with her feels like

versity, is one of the prestigious school in the Philippines. They

d me though. They will just waste their time to find nor search for me. I

ly looked behind. I saw Fiella De Guzm

e smiling as Fiella and Ms. Santos approached me. M

efore your class en

t, Miss?"

d. And also, you will meet your partner

es m

a just smiled at me before sh

I'm so used to my old friends who happened to betrayed and backstabb

re not arranged and it's always noisy in here. Some of my cla

air beside the window

aduate with a degree that I want to have. That's my goal in life. I don't want to be pressured by my own parents

st year as a junior high school students. Some tell us that this is the hardest year of a juni

ts that are very serious, when in fact in their high school life

I usually admire nurses checking up and reading vital signs of their patients. I also watch videos about medicine and in operating roo

. I really don't want to participate to this kind of event or competition,

and a varsity player, I guess, 'cause he's wearing a jersey shirt of the basketball team of Clifford U

ou're here." Ou

noon, ma'am,

ructor stated. " Meet your partne

n waved her right to me. The gu

m nice and sincere, I can't easily trust people

reviewing. Don't worry though, I will excuse the three of you to

re thick. I think I w

at's all.

iewers. I arranged my things first inside my bag and was about to turned arou

way." She extended her hand

ed her with a shake hands and imm

the way, that guy earlier is my best friend, C

aved a goodbye to her as she w

she's an exemption. I wish

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