img His Only Beloved.  /  Chapter 6 ROSE. | 75.00%
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Chapter 6 ROSE.

Word Count: 579    |    Released on: 09/09/2021


my vision to the sudden brightness, and within seconds of realizing that I had been unconscious last night, I wa


it was empty. Where was Grace? Maybe she already le

clock, I was in a new s

late and it's

umped out looking like a scalded cat. Covering my damp hair with a towe

e? Who was he?" I threw all these questions at he

when we couldn't find you we thought that you would have come back to the dorm, s

were going around my mind, 'Who was he

ness kicked in. I almost tripped and fell but he grabbed me quickly and after that I just..... I don't remember anyt

shining armour?" Grace tea

ghed and retorted dramatically, making

or about this incident, I'm always there" she said with a reassuri

aid, a genuine s

le to think about was him. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a hoodie, but those though

a guy sitting in the corner of the room, staring ri

irer," I said, putting my ha

nd" she blushed, realizin

l you not introduce hi

ain," she said

voice. As I was about to turn around to talk to Renee and Vi

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