to be seen, we greeted all of the guests he was no where in sight no doubt her was screwing one of the many whores he'd invited to this fuck up he called a wedding. I can't believe he left m
ning Mrs.
Someone prying into my business wanting to k
or anything, but I'd rath
you migh
me through all of this ordeal, my tantrums and my immature ou
ited me, but I
'You're guess is
you like this, especial
he's a
ase.' He said hol
are we
see.' He
ine talking me out of the reception area outside, we continued wa
. And beside
to do with an
.' He looked at me. 'You deserve so much better than to be treated like shit on the bottom of a shoe. You are very talented and headstrong, you have ambition, something he clearly is trying to
ng contract to agree to his stupid rules. He abruptly stopped pulling me down onto the benc
t know
about this situation he put you in and my assumptio
n't k
will be by your side through this, we
ith a substantial amount of debt. And last of all how he devised this ridiculous contract into me marrying him. So he would take care of my debt. And how much I hated this guy for taking my life away from me. He placed his arm around m
will have to pay back all I owe him plus interes
r felt so closer to someone as I do right now. 'Just lay low
pecting me to trust him. Could I trust him not to turn
d me, wiping my tears away.
him that you
gers in between mine and led me back t
lt so free in this moment until it was sadly dis