img The Abbot  /  Chapter 8 No.8 | 20.51%
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Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 3372    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

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the village, with the desire of escaping from the notice of the inhabitants. His pride whispered, that he would be in his discarded state, only the subject of their wonder and compassion; and his generosity told him, that any mark of sympathy which his situation should excite, might be unfavourably reported at the castle. A trifling incident

oad on this side, and wit

er perhaps hollo to again. I have been di

to pass into the Knight's service, a

e, "I am not-I am now leaving

u going, then?" sai

ime to answer-I have that matter to determ

you which way you go-my Lady would not dismiss you till s

ing me over a prey to detraction and to ruin, at the instigation of a canting priest and a meddling se

h best-but, were I on a black moor at this time of day, not knowing whither I was going, I should be glad to have a broad piece or two in my pouch, come by them as I

to one night only, and that tendered most unwilli

n less occasion," said Roland Graeme, "than in the smoky garret of your f

usquebaugh too, if you journey long in the fashion you propose. You might have said God-a-mercy for your proffer,

remember that I have switched you before now, and

rength, and conscious of the most complete personal superiority,

at was, when your switch was up, it was no fear of you, but of your betters, that kept mine down-and I wot not what hinders me from clearing

m the boor, who was so much older and stronger than himself; and while his antagonist, with a sort of jeering laugh of defiance, seemed to provoke the contes

moved with the distress

tching-why, thine arm, man, is but like a spindle compared to mine.-But hark, I hear old Adam Woodcock hollowing to his hawk-Come along, man, we will have a merry afternoon, and go joll

thdraw his hands from his face, and Fisher continu

on the minister's examinations, and put these things out of folk's head; and if he says you are in fault, you must jouk your head to the stream; and if a gentleman, or a gentleman's gentleman, give you a rough

ir of indifference and of superiority; "but I have another pat

you from the path, as you say. Give us a grip of your hand, man, for auld lang syne.-What! not clap palms ere w

whistling as he went, and glad, apparently, to be rid of an acquaintance, whose cla

earth on which he stood felt as if unsound, and quaking under his feet like the surface of a bog; and he had once or twice nearly fallen, though the path he trode was of firm greensward. He kept resolutely moving forward, in spite of the internal agitation to which these symptoms belonged, until t

nied by the same sense of desolation; an afflicting yet milder sentiment was awakened in his mind, by the recollection of his benefactress, of the unwearied kindness which had attached her to him, in spite of many acts of provoking petulance, now recollecte

ness, of my protectress, yet to detain from her the knowledge of my religion?-but she shall know that a Catholic has as much gratitude as a Puritan-that I have been tho

repentant haste, when he reflected on the scorn and contempt with which the family were likely to see the return of the fugitive, humbled, as they must necessa

it is a penance due to my folly, and I will endure it with patience. But if she also, my benefactress, if she also should think me sordid and weak-spirited enou

ling, urged that he would incur the scorn of the Lady of Avenel, rather than obtain her favour

me excuse to allege which might show I came not as a degraded supplicant, or a discarded men

r Halbert, which, flying around his head, seemed to claim his attention, as that of a well-known friend. Roland extended his arm, and gave the accustomed whoop, and the falcon instantly settled

rs henceforward. Many a gallant stoop have I seen thee make, and many a brave hero

behind a few alder bushes which had concealed him from view, "why should there be no more haw

ould Allan in

rge where the f

rather lie in

followed not the me

ude ballad, implied honest frankness and cordiality. But remembrance of their quarrel, and its consequen

d wait their time, and keep their mind, as they say, to themselves, and touch pot and flagon with you, and hunt and hawk with you, and, after all, when time serves, pay off some old feud with the point of the dagger. Canny Yorkshire has no memory for such old sores

ess, could not resist its downright frankness. Covering his face with the one hand, h

nd you, and yon half-bred lubbard told me which way you took flight. You ever thought too much of that kestril-kite, Master Roland, and he knows nought of sport after all, but what he caught from you. I

plied the page, with a sigh

t would not change properties with him-And that is what I would say of you. You are no longer my Lady's page, and you will not clothe so fair, or feed so well, or sleep so soft, or show so gallant-What of all that? if you are not her page, you are your own man, and may go where you will, with

ood mantling in his cheeks, "the falcon will soar higher withou

en," replied the falco

ennaquhair," answered Roland Graeme,

they say the commons are threatening to turn them out of their cells, and make a devil's mass of it in t

better of having a friend besid

will scarce be the better of being beside Father Ambrose-he may co

etween the brothers by visiting Father Ambrose. I will tarry to-night at Saint Cuthbert's cell, where the old priest

out-"and now, you wot well that I wear a pouch for my hawk's meat, [Footnote: This same hag, like every thing belonging to falconry, was esteemed an honourable distinction, and worn often by the nobility and gentry. One

what surprised at the hesitation with which Adam

a secret slit in the lining of his bag of office-"here they are, thirty good Harry groats as ever were str

ew-formed resolution to the test. Assuming a strong command of himself, he answered Adam Woodcock with as much frankness as his nature permitted him to wear, in doing what was so con

hen adding, with great cheerfulness,-"Now you may go through the world; for he that can back a horse, wind a horn, hollow a greyhound, fly a hawk, and play at sword and buc

s of his companion, he turned hastily round, and

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