img My Girl, My Addition  /  Chapter 3 Three | 9.68%
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Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 936    |    Released on: 26/09/2021

r me but I am not letting her go. She bent her head facing the ground and serio

ed rolling my eyes as if it could see me, I got tattoos and al

the bad boy look, s

s it did the magic cause, she raised

he didn't talk, fucking speak I g

a virgin she

I asked movin

ll her back hit the wall, using

s your

ic to my ear, I can't wait to hear her most my name and begs me to fuck the hell o

ir" she mut

are you?


now about me?" I asked her, not knowing the rea

ss and am 25 years old, I said n

aid smiling, you are han

your smile

le" she re

f mum, "Cry no more baby girl," I tried

because she's the first girl to make me feel like this, she's the first girl that makes me feel so intoxicated with wants and needs that


sick for a lo

it got worse. The doctor said she ne

rt-time job on Carter for her drugs, and yet it still got

but I don't even know what to do, I don't know what to think anymore, am going crazy, I said to

mum has been the only friend and family I got since childhood, so if giving my body s

ime stepping into a club, and what bothers me is that I came to the club with an objective, but I di

he poor are getting poorer each day and the rich are getting richer each day, mum has always given me the best she can ti

guys ain't ogl

as never my problem, because I never cared about that I have more important things to deal with than to look at unnecessary attention from people, I

is name is Nicholas, and he offered me to sleep wi

my only chance to save mom, so I accepted his offer with the thought that, I don't know if it's right am

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