img One Angel for Two deveils  /  Chapter 4 Unknown feelings | 11.11%
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Chapter 4 Unknown feelings

Word Count: 1105    |    Released on: 23/10/2021



t o

us. Yes, us. I know you are surprised to hea


to whine, checki

s from the bed and grab her by the

my mind beginsto

ng's order? Next time you disobey Li

re king of the werewolf kingdom and Alex

nk that, 'how can the eterna

like you had seen or hear f

at all the children of high ranks of all five kingdom

to the human school where I met Alex. I wa

become friends. Although we don't share boundaries like wit

o be friends. I mean me and Alex. Although we both like Aurora, we don't talk t

d, angel and witch kingdoms. She is th

him back with my all might. He makes me complete, not f

e sex frequently. But we always feel an

g girls. But after we finish,

ng on your

e kissing my

s we feel whe

e, we aren't having

on the bed wh

have for each other? Sparks we fee

n't be possible for us because, we both are the king

are only have four days u

mate. Six months after our eighteenth birth

vampire soul. Are you ex

that we can mind link

s phone ring and he

s m

ll you guys that he


m. We'

us to co

wer and climb down the st

anger and confusi

s our kingdom because his

d with venom

ning. It's not the first time ou

gh. Because we don't allow them to take thei

gh rank bloodlines it's a very


und out, they instantly move out to their boundaries and connected to their

more powerful than us. The people in that kingdoms never betrayed th

Let's wait till their prin

e and birth time. Alex look at my face. I know he is feeling the same thing. We both do

t are you g

m the vam

f we can force him to reject her, then the kingdo

both have to atten

to my bedroom, I he

to her from birth? So that soul can protect them. And most of all, she has four souls which belong to a merma

oor of my room, we stopped there

, how she will be adjusted

species, they only have one active gene.

st people think that she will go

h her it will great

ar before, Alex drag me to

ing to burst from anger. Thinkin

? But the feeling is mutual. But I don't fe


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