img Sourabha Rajyam - The land Where Women Don't Matter  /  Chapter 3 The Meeting | 60.00%
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Reading History

Chapter 3 The Meeting

Word Count: 1121    |    Released on: 23/10/2021

tive staff. The mood was grim and a sense of apprehension pervaded in waves among the staff that

s about?" one of the tea

eeling it has something t

ous indeed if the principal

has ha


swers. Why speculate and

ped conference table. At 5'4 he was short for a man but that hid his tremendous ability as an adminis

ff, Good

es. "Perhaps it is a bit too much to ask you to remember something that happened three years ago. But, this was not just a circular but THE

ith separate entrances for boy and girls?" that had been a bizarre law imposed by the secular gover

up with. It is no longer possible to evade implementing that rule." He took a deep breath. "It has been my greatest good fortune to be blessed with such a dedica

my power to protect every one of you." He looked at his diary for a while making everyone tense

ansferred to Ma

ovice was the least developed province in the whole empire. It was the most ignored area in the empire and got the l

y when I decided not to implement a barbarian law. I have always been considered a trouble

done everything possible to help you." A smile crept onto his face. Everyone knew well that th

t there might be a complete reshuffle of the staff in this school."

transfer and not a punishment transfer." The staff tried to push down the rising fear. It must have been ter

an rose up. He was the Vice-Principal. "I will hand over the charge after

n give us time to give

time. I might be areested for treason if I don't report on time." Ther


old that she was the youngest girl to be in the prayer team. She already had learnt the school prayer, the nation

le that day. Even her favourite teacher had scolded her unnecessarily. No one seemed the least interested in the prayer and seemed to be going t

ad he died? Only when someone died did the staff behave so seriously. But even then they did not scold anyone. What was hap

p a heavy nuclear bomb in the assemb

...." the name had been such a tongue twister that they had start

incipal's words. The only thing that had seeped into their minds was that the school had been closed for a week to carry out extra

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