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Chapter 3 ANNE

Word Count: 504    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

xpectedly and dragged me to the walk wa

pointed to a well f

u tomorrow

gate, that was when i remembered Elliot and i began to laugh at my stupidity,like....HOW

ppened and why are you laughing, don't you know that the neig

l babe that i totally forget about you."I explain

?"he qu

me while i was wait

that building, she said she is living i

ou laughin

o, we're running late."I s

ntroduced a familiar looking g

u, I'm Alle

red to me. "Snacks will do."I responded st

"Same will do but add soft drinks to it.

Anne asked as she noticed

n't help but ask this, ha

e,he was angry then he eyed me then walked away before she noticed hi

look somehow familiar, lik

't think I've met you before."She said then adjust

?"She asked as she dropped the sna

ng to know each oth

nk for you too.

and we began eating, we had some fun afte


during the lunch break?"Elliot asked

ay her name is Susan, that was her girlfriend, Anne and

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