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The Kings Mate

The Kings Mate

Author: Beth Venning
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Chapter 1 Meeting The King

Word Count: 2195    |    Released on: 04/11/2021

don't get many of these. I sit back smiling but the bedroom door opening breaks my relaxing moment.

the Alpha's holding a meeting,"

I quickly get up fixing myself too, once I was ready we both walk down to see Kyle, my older brother,

u're feeling ill" he suggest with a smile, as much as I

over to confirm it, it's fine I'll sit at the back with Grace" I smile ope

. If you were you'd face a rather harsh punishment, the Alpha loves his harsh punishments. Once we finally

y I hate talking to anyone. She was the only person who cared enough

r but she just shakes her head, well that's strange she al

a had entered the room, I immediately fac

mate is here" the Alpha began his voice echoing through the room "he'll be here any second, I want you to show him the respect I've

ing my arms, first I have to listen to a crazy man talk and

e sat in this room. I look back at my brother who looked nervously at me, I just shrug my shoulders tu

wolf excitedly says, before I had time to process what she sa

eet the King, I shift in my seat my wolf gettin

st his voice sending weird shivers down

voice shouts, I slowly rise to my f

my mood changing immediately, I generally

the man, who I think was the King, starts to wa

coming down with something. I was fine when I left the house, actually I was fine two minutes ago! Can a cold rando

was this taking so long?! Our row and the one beside us were the final ones, I was right in th

er, I decide to look down hoping he'd just pass by me and leave. Could I b

. As I was still looking at the floor I only see his very fancy shoes, they must have been expensive!

wards stopping to stand in front of me. Immediately I

once again this sends intense

s hand under my chin, once our skin

. He slowly moves my head up, his face slowly revealing itself, the thing standing out most we

y head, which finally makes things start clic

the Alpha went to speak but the man in front of me cuts him off "did I ask you?!" He growls, immediately everyone puts their hea

say, I couldn't actually find any words t

the sparks fly everywhere, like little fireworks dancing around the places he touched. He finally reaches m

ght yeah they are, things are ha

alk down the stairs, the stares I get from people as we pass burnt holes in the back of my head. Eventually, we reach the bottom where the Alpha a

expression, I think even my face was the same. I take a look up at Kyle, he was shaking his

at entitlement must end now" the King says his voice held so much power, I turn my atten

ather quickly. Some were even sending me death glares, it's not my f

along with you so you can pack" the King turns to me, wait that means I h

the ground to maybe show him respect, my

ve to address me by that, it is Grayson to you"

le, he puts his hand under my chin lif

er, they bow their heads towards Grayson

wolf says in a duh tone, oh ri

ou pack your things" Grayson smiles, I just nod

cting me, I was not getting good vibes from these people. I start to walk towards my house, the journey felt much longer than

o the others before making his way into the house, while I had to remain outside with the oth

anyone to jump out and try to harm you" one of the men tell me, I was much

I still see Kyle? He's the only family I have, I can't just cut ties with him. Eventually, the man walks

feels my presence by the door where he turns to look in my direction, immediately he runs to s

houts, but the men don't budge

ith no emotion, I guess it's his job "now move aside, the Queen has to pack her things" he

places his hand on my arm, where he begins to lead me up the stairs asking where my bedroom was located. I walk in front opening the door,

ty" he says with a bow of the head, I smile with a n

nd, trying to get my head aroun

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