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Chapter 3 Decite and pretence

Word Count: 1253    |    Released on: 01/11/2021


good to her, they had already hired some people that would video everything and post it on social media so that the neti

,he was already used to seeing her being strong but seeing her being this way brought a kind of

ospital bed ,she really wanted to go back home but

kicked against it because she felt lik

d freely since she was g

ugh the things that have been happening in the hospital and

got even though she was sick ,she really didn't regret making bo

vice ,If a patient was rushed In without any money she would still treat the person first and before they pa

,they had told her at the beginning that she was going to go bank rupt if she does it that way , but she

the share as she h

s ago , but what are you doing here ?" she asked turning

n ?"Jennie asked putting

she spoke that there was a s

e "she barked Angrily , tot

know how you are feeling " Jen

are you doing here ?" she asked looking at the two s

of me I wouldn't step my feet here to see your ugly face because the sight of you alone disgus

le to be believe her ears as tear

ic ,do you Remember ,I wanted so much to take my revenge on you and so your sister brought the plan ,you Remember that night you where raped and had some acid poured on your laps, while we where still In high schoo

stupidly fell for me ,well that was also part of the plan , I would just. give you this little advice you should quit lookin

worst day of her life ,she could Remembered that it was Leo who helped her and because of that she

was unimaginable , she couldn't believe

heavy and with that she grab

was being ripped apart , though she's a doctor and sh

hris and the line shut down and just then Chris rushe

id rubbing her back softly and

what's happening to her "Jennie said

ere , who let you in "Chr

ee my sister ?" Jennie asked so

rushed towards her and pulled her hair making her to

,she ruined everything about me ,I hate "she yelled cry

anted so much to see her in p

taking videos of her ,she just launched at her and scarc

t you just want to ruin me.,you want to ruin my face y

ut this is how you treat me ,I won't forgive

but something was injected

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