rd a familiar voice "Hey Veronica please help me with the assignment for the previous biology class"Angelo said I couldn't not help bu
with the kiâ â " Angelo said " It's ok but did you mean the compliment"I asked "Yes I did"Angelo said smiling "Ok thanks" I replied "After
irst time. After long talk on chemical reaction the chemistry teacher finally gave us an assignment. Which we have to pai
all "what are you doing"i asked "shhh"Angelo said with his hands on my lips "A little Birdy told me you like me "Angelo added " it's not like is love" I said simply " ok so would you like t
a because she cheated on me secondly your friends told me about your feelings" Angelo said in a cool tone "And about the project give me your number so we can
you want" Jessica suggested "You better" I said pretending to leave before returning "No no I want you guys to be happy for me he asked me out" I said cheerfully "o good grief Veronica you gave me a scare happy for you darling"silver said "Hey she got no choice then Angelo's fi