img HEARTS AT STAKE  /  Chapter 2 HEARTS AT STAKE – TWO | 5.88%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2599    |    Released on: 09/11/2021


rogram for today." the master of ceremoni

een cotton tee shirts, and a grey cap on his waist belt. His w

That w

es. In our part as men, we seek to create husbandmen of vines that can stand on the gap within their crop consisting of his wife and children. We also seek men who wi

mother of Jesus and an Esther. Every woman here should recite by head, Proverbs 31 verses 10 – 31. It describes you almost three thousand years before you were born. Those that use its wisd

you m

men should also read especially that one on of a woman who cheats with younger men and wipes her mouth asking what sin she has committed. Beware! Don't be aware of your wife but rather don't kindle the anger of the Lord

together and do whatever it takes to do within your marriage. If you have to shout at each other, find a deserted island in the Zambezi to do that. Mind you don't spoil the speech of crocodiles

f they had allowed husbands as collateral, I w


nd beefy leg over the other. For a moment, there were bits of flesh to see. Why did women grow bigger in and around the thigh and hip area? She adjusted her dr

ber me," she replied sm

leaned closer and whispered. "I am Martin in case you get tongue st

will do

children d

l, first

at boarding school, form o

k him away," she and


t and second year Bachelor of Science students at the University of Zimbabwe. Before then he was a Mathematics lecturer at Belvedere Teachers College, then

mbled towards the platform. T

emonies had said. Bridget and Oswald rose and stood by t

t dozing due to boredom. I would like all new cou

artin, they and

is amphitheatre," she said. "Oswald,

h still as attractive as you are,

he microphone to ripples of laughter. "Now our ne

s?" Oswa


idance," Oswa

idget had the assembly laughing. They embraced and kissed. "W

people serious?

a whispered back. "And my mentor's sales

tin did better than expected. She easily came into his welcomin


had written Corporate Banking, the bank gave a late apo

en Oswald had been awestruck on the name. "

ripples of laughter. "I just thought she was better

r the questio



settles it," O

with a checked shirt in blue and white. He had on reddish Adidas canvas shoes. Sandra was in a white dress with red roses and polka dots.

ah!" Mart


r, to stand before you. Would you like

sed him by coming up with a popular hymn which she sand with all t

iful voice impressed within a beaut

re," Sandr

like this. I guess I will have to get enough courage not to t


operty that we deal with. Ours are blank canvases that an artist can turn into this beautiful portrait we are on today. I see a

les of laughter

and talked to Jesus. She said Jacob, their great, great grandfather had dug a well more tha

ve storm water drainage systems in place. The stands are selling off plan with the maximum credit facility being for 48-months. I wish that was for 48-hours. That would require reserve bank or Treasury concurrence. What are you waiting for? Invest in prope

or grandchildren to be. The younger couples can to make themselves more comfortable. At my age, I have learnt a lot about quality investments. You can set up a housing co-operative today. Let's assume a thousand of us.

d dad. I am not even stating siblings including one that read the classified adverts while sitting on the toilet. One of my sisters would sing carols before, during and after her bath. You could actually wa

gave out three contact telephone numbers including his own. Several cameras were takin

utes allotted," Martin had said. "That serves us both on

oor for three questions. "Martin

e!" someon

without showing the couples they are madly in love," O

old," Bridget said

tain the presence of

nudged Sandra. "H

_____," Sand

a helluva time," suggested

tin shrugged

"It has to be French kiss by couples' club ru

his hands around her waist while she had her arms around his neck.

tin had dutifully pulled out her chair. "I hope th

ing gum'" h

que beer?" she asked

rtake of th

or boy?" she asked. "Just

ds, Borrowdale," he h

e," she had replied. "To the south

" he said. "I remem

roach any of our four couples holding silver bowls within which the wife wi

," Mart

once before,"

ome couples luckily picked blanks. It was either the husband or the

n. "We don't have any questions there

Sandra started t

ing Sandra," M

ribe how your marriage ha

wer?" Mar

d in his. "You used to run all the way from the office towards home and

nd himself smiling pointing a finger at Sandra. He wanted to challen

to our careers," Martin replied. "I took more time working and you did

nged over the ye

. There is need to help her do her homework. There is also need not to spare the rod yet not to abuse the child. Watch out that the little d

con and hopefully invest for the future. Don't forget to invest in grandchildren throu

in bowed. Sandra curtsied. They kissed

while the kids are playing?" asked the master of ceremonies. "She told me not


u will again let the cat out

ueal near a Moslem o

n may get out o

ht tmagor

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