by the men that obviously were with him. They looked strange and dressed differently from them and the aura which they carried was something powerful and mysteriou
clear sight of the man if he should turn to their direction. Somehow it did not make her feel exposed because she had Revvyn standing with her, and yet somehow, it did. She looked up at Rev just as
felt as it could be seen on their faces but the man only smirked, turned to look over his shoulder at the new couple, the new
om his throne and made his way closer, down the very few flights of stairs, his left hand clutching gingerly on
the man did not pose a threat, but then he had rudely barged in and disrupted the whole c
hy should I not ar
ould not have. The man sighed and looked around the hall at the guests and many of them shivered, taking more steps backwar
d I am here to
yes at him. "What bride
tilted his head to the side so he could have the Queen, Gwyn in h
s facial expression. The strange men in the room did the same too, drawing their sword as some of them made their way towards their leader. Kade pressed forward
gers to the edge of the sword against his neck, sliding it across the blade to lower it and by so doing, cutting himself. Kade allowed the sword to come
is gaze from the king in front of him to the Queen behind. The shock on her face told h
his wife and noticed that she was frantically searching
rds the guest and straight for Lyra, then she turned and faced the man while h
" He made to walk towards her but Kade held up his swo
you had come in and you will take nothing
d in her chest and she felt a sharp prickle on her neck like two hot needles stabbing her, it was short and painful but it quickly stopped. She moved slightly from behind her mother to take a go
?" She
sword sliced across his neck but Ryder did not stop. The crowd gasped, expecting him to splutter for words and fall down c
her mother pulled her closer to hersel
nt of Gwyn who had the determined look on her
ozen soldiers burst in through the
e circle. As the first clash of swords rang, the guests screamed and made for the exits, pushing and shoving an
r in his hands, he had the same determined look in his eyes as Gwyn and Ryder could not help but admire
" Jenny
to defend them and he spoke. "If I do not have my bride with me by your willing
Gwyn started but he
uler, Ryder of Astaroth and you should also know that I do not say what I do
vyn holding on to her, she had her palm on her cheek which had turned brigh
in front of her, it was a blurry mass but she knew it was the face of the man called Ryder, she could feel his fingers on her face and slowl
gerous color