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Reading History

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 24/11/2021

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at I was running from,

ng. I also felt like I wasn't moving at all, even though the chilly night air whipped at my skin. I felt tears st

e out what they were saying, but the voices sounded cold, angry and terrifying. I finally saw a bright light

et gave out from under me. I looked down and realized that I was falling. I waved my hands and cried out as I fel

was warmer and not terrifying. Beautiful flowers of different colours and sizes were everywhere. There were so many different flowers; magnolias, lilies,

f me. She was wearing a white dress and her brown hair that was so similar to mine

e was really here. I flung my arms around her when I re

d wiped the tears from my face.

me again, Mom. Pleas

my angel. Shh, stop crying." She coe

t repeating through my tears. I hugged her again tightly, while she

looked up and found that I was not hugging a

as I spun this way

t I was in my room, laying on my bed. I rest my head back on my pillow as I realized that I dreamt about my mother

the bathroom to have a quick s


d into my history class a minute before the bell rang. I

. Had to run here." I pan

little wild and frazzled."

in just laugh. All I could do was glare at

asmine. She had said that her gym teacher wanted to see her and she knew that it would take a while.

s as I didn't have to go home and face an impending beating. I could also have one night where I'm safe and

s a great cook and is a nice woman. She reminded me of how my mother was. She was always taking care of o

blouse and looked at my mother. I ran my hand over the picture and felt better. Every time I looked a

I jumped and spun around. Standing over me

asked, closing my locket and p

ed. He came from behind me an

ou?" I asked cr

te of feisty, Kitten." He said

e in. "She is my

e you. I guess you hear

She died two yea

hear that." He

" I replied. To be honest, I was surprised that he would be

g the phone into his pocket. "Well, there is somewhere I need to be." He saluted me and walked off

cold and transformed back into the bad boy I was used to. I didn't have time to unravel the m

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