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Fated To The Ruthless Alpha

Fated To The Ruthless Alpha

Author: Humble Smith
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Chapter 1 Episode 1

Word Count: 1676    |    Released on: 04/12/2021


cream rang out in my ear as mom

d stopped running with us and turned to fight ba

. My heart was thumping so fast and loud with my head banging

live. I have to esc

l of the members of my pack; they have attacked us a

ie?" I asked, cryi

a shrill of pain. I could see her lips quiver

tting weary and hurting badly, especi

were having difficulty carrying me

dragged my hand from her

knees couldn't hold me anymore. I fell on

d and tur

dragging my hand, but I wriggled

ny longer!" I sh

l find us! " She sobbed, tears rolling continuously down her

g as she staggered forwar

exhausted, my legs are weak, I have a broken ankle! I can't go on anymore!!

they are lookin

ent until you are dead, and I can't allow you to die! " My mother added, bursti

" I asked, breathing heavily as my eyes seared

hing, but then we heard fo

med, and I sobbed painfully

re, in extreme pain. I'm just 16

me away?" I whined, feeling the excruciating

ter what happens, go away!!!" She screamed, and I raised my brow

rched my brow, but she shook her head and held m

nd run far away!!" I'll stop them

an't stop them!" I whim

'll come back," she sniffed, but

dead by now, and I can't lose both of you!" I sobbed, and

screamed and pu

butt hitting the gr

ge us. Don't die too, go away from here!!" She kept y

dness exuded my entire being. I moved my shaky leg

had ever heard. Her cry was like a stab to my heart. I needed to run a

ns wreaking havoc within me. I hoped and prayed my mother would

ds. I was so exhausted, not from the run, but from the fact

iving when your life me

r was also going to die, leaving m

n farther, but then I was shocked to find

has come

d and flopped down on the muddy ground in anguis

s shivering and muffling my cries as it dawned on me that there was

It had all been us

me, not knowing I'd en

to meet my mother. I was going back. I would rather

meeting my mother for the last time gave me more strength. I was fa

ror rush through me, my heart racing as I beca

. The men were seven and kept hitting her while she struggled to live. They were all muscu

em with all the strength I had. My wolf was dumb and powerle

f who can't match up with these hefty men, b

d pain in my heart, I formed a fireball from my in

of them, and it struck his heart,

se, and I could see how enraged they were from their

u!!!" One of

s easily!" Another growled, an

at ball again. I tried all I could do to make

hed on, m

is motionless over there. I can't tell if she

e men, one after the other,

I was about to run away, a strong rope spinne

tightened around my body, but I couldn't even make a sound be

ud thud. My bones cracked; every part of me was injur

wallowed the lump in my thro

uld be seen th

hey laughed and formed a b

erase her from this world," they added, and laughed again. Th

d I shut my eyes, ready to die. There

ling out. My weak wolf shivered and cuddled

e was nothing she could do. We wer

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