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Chapter 5 Looking for the child

Word Count: 769    |    Released on: 27/12/2021

et and balance on a canoe at the same time, like


out the net in a wide arc. People can then use this instead

ice to traditional swing they have been u

you miss just because the canoe wobbled at the wrong time . Well, when people see

ou can get people to make that

to a commercial ventu

e will be demand for it . We can then meet this demand by

to buy mosquito coils and you want them to spend the little they have on some fancy gadgets

u have a point ther

uggested, "We give you one for free in return f

of sandals , or better still , a

rs laughed and tried to ou

le round mirror around with you? Z

ithout my mirror on me right?" Phili

e of it is stuck in my teeth and I ju

mirror and handed it over zell, it was one of those things

th him, zell broke off one of the leaves of the palm fronds and make a toothpick out of

ance caught his eyes, all of a sudden

ing from the little kids who had been swimming upstream, One of the older ones , the

were standing on the bank wailing, that was when zell reali

" he hastily told Philip, "I saw a very young boy

ke with strong stokes he swam towards the terrified kids, he was way better a

already gone beneath the water, aft

id?" Zell aske

further down the river " seeing the desperation on zell's face,

l was beginning to get anxious himself, Philip looked like he had been unde

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