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His Favorite Addiction

His Favorite Addiction

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Chapter 1 The Bill's Family

Word Count: 1125    |    Released on: 23/12/2021

NY,, Nicholas Bill is invited over to an interview which will be coming up tomorrow by 6pm on net. I know none of us will be willing

TV off and groan

Kristen asked with her mouth filled with strawberries,that's

and the poor getting poorer " Tara rolled her eyes

o do with the progra

rls crushing on a billionaire who does

even think of crushing on Nicholas B

e you're poor

are poor. Silly,,

more than two times. She's gonna be at the range of five

lovely,," K

re not crushing

out of here. "

ny?? Have they respon

me I won't be as calm

,she immediately brought ou

ng??" Tara a

n Tara,,am tired!!!" Kristen bro

t's not the end of the w

of waiting while you go to your office and come back in the evening, am ti

s " Tara sighe

Kristen,, we are be


ome daddy " Jenna asked with

be late. You will miss me right

want a nan

anny?? Why??

talked about having

a nanny,,and I want one too "

get you one.

one more

it??" Nich

ning. I had to come here to get it myself " Je

,,,it just sk

again and you loose your

rry " S

hing e

n is she coming?

know when she's coming. But I will definitely

ke me to sch

t time. I promise,,

ou more "

out of the dining room,,imm

y is needed for Jenna " Nic

so sudden?"

e, do it now. I don't want t

ss " Sha

ink I can put on tha

kay boss " S

it $5

's a nanny "

t,so why screaming? I don't want Jenna to c

" Shane replie

the car for him and he ente

walk pass them,, he didn't respond as usual. Just

to the elevator

,,people are applyin

osing whoever she want herself. Do your job properly " Ni

d followed immediately,,,

Bill " She

s Megan "

ir " She said

replied and Shane chuckle

nd it's like he enjoy

l you when I need you " Nicholas


the day sir " Megan said ha

contracts " He said an

billions,,we can't cancel a

ave an interview

ontracts are big deals

r it,, if they can wait,, if they

I will do tha

an go "

t but came

ffee,, here " she said dr

n,,Miss Megan " He s

married "

id you're

out of the office with her shoes mak

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