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Chapter 2 I'm running from the exhale

Word Count: 680    |    Released on: 13/01/2022

y pain and wishes

ted v



up and it was


h there unless Marc will kill me becau

and quickly take my bath, I wore

ching me, and I quickly ran onto my car before he nears me

then why does


with 4th someone, I wanted to go meet them b

r mommy"kanelle said and I was surpr

dare insult my m

s injuries because your daddy hates her"the kid said and before I could find out wh

m, I don't want him to be like M

fell on the ground she was breathing but faintly, I slapped Kaden and he fel

the clinic of the school, the nurse said she will be fine and she will wake up soon at least

and I did not see

n from bleeding but it wasn't working and she huffed re


are you o

en isnt"she said wo

okay"i asked a

ame home as saw that Marc was around,

coming from"h

school "I

n is angry, whenever Kaden is angry he gets wicked

nswered and I wa

come home l

and that was because I was defending her, mommy came out when she fainted and she slapped so hard I fell to the gro

elle started whispering scold

ger injury than my sons one"he said and went upstairs to wear as much rings that c

A.. Rccccc"

till I feel you


in and everythin


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