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Chapter 6 : LYON

Word Count: 1837    |    Released on: 29/01/2022

thinking while I was gone, and I'd realized that part of my problem was Char's s

oming attraction, or anything going on

was standing on the seat of a power bike holding onto

t want to scare her, and make her fall. She flipped hersel

ward, well when my legs

e she grinned the biggest fucking grin I h

y saw me coming, and some of

helmet, and placed it under her arm. She ha

had been my first inclination, I wouldn't take her joy away

er face when she lifted her head

gs to do?" I turned to the men who

s they walked away, giving

aded to the office, Kat behind

. I opened the door, and waited for her to precede

that again, and I'll tan y, but

, it was a nice stu

t say anything whe

explain it to myself? All I know is that the th

se, you don't have to worry, and I

knee pads she wore over

ike her usual withdrawn self. Ho

g else you like as m

w could I put out th

not r

h that soft little

er happy it seemed like, so it wouldn't be right to take this

weren't interested! I ignored the annoy

do these stunts, then you'll have to wait un

ff, I'll be careful I promise." She wou

irl was som

atarina, either I'm the

ly do them whe

ss that ride was a waste of time because she was on




pulling any more stunts, and I stayed out of her way as much

would only raise a lot of questions. And since there was no real boss, or an underling div

ads. All I needed was for them to get wind of me sniffing around the flying nun, and my life would be hel

y didn't need another replay of yesterday's little

yed away from the office as much as possible, and no

lready ordered ten bikes, and that was just a drop in the pan, so no one

t enough, my mother was up to something, and I coul

have a hint because she couldn't keep a secret to save her life. This time, nothing, but she

ing somebody's life for them. That's what he thinks her

will be his ass. Mom takes her book

her one of her horrendous get ups. Seriously, each

s, for some strange reason, were taking it easy on her with the jokes. Usually my boys would

ing her Saturday and Sunday was a pain in the ass. I missed

h space in my head? other than to wonder what hair brained


asses off fetching her last minute shit. I think we mu

u going to go get

last minute errands, so can I please just catch my br

tle drama today, chop-chop. Everyone will be here soon. You don't

, they're

r, and go get dressed. You'l

arguing? I turned an

s. Maybe because I was feeling guilty for not inviting her. After all, everyone

e town would be in my parents' backyard, and the gu

tats well displayed. One swipe of my hand through my hair was enough, sin

well on its way, and the smell of grilling meat permeated

g a good time. Now all I needed was a cold beer and a c

me of the guys in a

to relax and unwind? It's

di racing bike is killer, that shit is g

thought you had a

er off somewhere, li

ion ceremony and teaching h

s most of the crew except Jared start

had set up and looked around at all the beau

e fuck

as fuck woman across from us. Her back was turned, but

I had a hard on, and don't get me started on the hair, it was w

my luck she'd be here


with my beer to where my sis

my little sist


moment, and my fu

and her fucki



Chapter 1 : LYON Chapter 2 : LYON Chapter 3 : KAT Chapter 4 : KAT Chapter 5 : KAT Chapter 6 : LYON Chapter 7 : KAT Chapter 8 : LYON Chapter 9 : ELENA Chapter 10 : LYON Chapter 11 : KAT
Chapter 12 : LYON
Chapter 13 : LYON
Chapter 14 : LYON
Chapter 15 : LYON
Chapter 16 : KAT
Chapter 17 : KAT
Chapter 18 : KAT
Chapter 19 : LYON
Chapter 20 : LYON
Chapter 21 : KAT
Chapter 22 : KAT
Chapter 23 : KAT
Chapter 24 : KAT
Chapter 25 : LYON
Chapter 26 : LYON
Chapter 27 : LYON
Chapter 28 : LYON
Chapter 29 : LYON
Chapter 30 : LYON
Chapter 31 : LYON
Chapter 32 : LYON
Chapter 33 : LYON
Chapter 34 : LYON
Chapter 35 : KAT
Chapter 36 : LYON
Chapter 37 : LYON
Chapter 38 : LYON
Chapter 39 : KAT
Chapter 40 : KAT
Chapter 41 : LYON
Chapter 42 : LYON
Chapter 43 : LYON
Chapter 44 : LYON
Chapter 45 : KAT
Chapter 47 : LYON
Chapter 48 : KAT
Chapter 49 : KAT
Chapter 50 : LYON
Chapter 51 : LYON
Chapter 52 : JENNY
Chapter 53 : LYON
Chapter 54 : KAT
Chapter 55 : LYON
Chapter 56 : LYON
Chapter 57 : ELENA
Chapter 58 : LYON
Chapter 59 : LYON
Chapter 60 : LYON
Chapter 61 : LYON
Chapter 62 : LYON
Chapter 63 : LYON
Chapter 64 : LYON
Chapter 65 : KAT
Chapter 66 : LYON
Chapter 67 : KAT
Chapter 68 : KAT
Chapter 69 : LYON
Chapter 70 : LYON
Chapter 71 : LYON
Chapter 72 : LYON
Chapter 73 : LYON
Chapter 74 : LYON
Chapter 75 : LYON
Chapter 76 : LYON
Chapter 77 : LYON
Chapter 78 : THE HONEYMOON
Chapter 79 : HOME AGAIN
Chapter 80 : HOME AGAIN 2
Chapter 81 : HOME AGAIN 3
Chapter 84 : THE TUMMY
Chapter 85 : THE TUMMY 2
Chapter 86 : THE TUMMY 3
Chapter 87 : THE TUMMY 4
Chapter 88 : THE TUMMY 5
Chapter 89 : THE TUMMY 6
Chapter 90 : LYON
Chapter 91 : LYON
Chapter 92 : LYON
Chapter 93 : LYON
Chapter 94 : LYON
Chapter 95 : LYON
Chapter 96 : LYON
Chapter 97 : LYON
Chapter 98 : LYON
Chapter 99 : LYON
Chapter 100 : LYON
Chapter 101 : LYON
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