id calmly, before looking away from her, staring into nothing and then looking back at her. He tilted his head- she found he did that when he had something worth wondering about on his mi
hànatoi. Had to know the enemy, she figured. She had come across a book titled 'The Athànatoi through the times,' according to the book they had lived among mortals, the only distinction was the colour of their eyes, they were red, deep bloody red. They lived among men, did everything like they did, but they only mated with their own kind. She'd gotten to the part where the book began to talk about why the Athànatoi parted with man in the first place, but those parts were in a language she didn't understand, she stewed in her frustration and slept in it. Now it was just the wink of dawn and she was groggy and instead of feeling rested, she was slightly irritable. But it was a new day, it held new possibilities, so she told herself. She got up from the spot beside a tall shelf where she had fallen asleep and slipped the book back into its place on the shelf, and turned to leave. She was going to have a bath, then she was going to go over the ways she would tell her parents of her departure. They would fight tooth and nail against the idea, but she was just as stubborn, she would fight back. In a nut shell, she just had to convince them that leaving the castle was the best line of action toward her safety. But if they didn't buy into the idea, she would bring Jasper into her little plan. She smiled at the thought of him, remembering how he'd held her, comforted her. She liked him, he was good, in a quiet sort of way. When he wasn't tying her tummy in knots. He intrigued her. He had made her angry, yes. But he had also been there for her even if she didn't want him there, nor had she expected him there. "Watch where you're going milady." His said mildly, his hands holding her firmly by her shoulders, to keep her from colliding with him. She looked up at him, her hands resting on his chest. She had been lost in her world of thoughts and hadn't been paying attention. She had been thinking about him. She dropped her hands a little bit too quickly, but he didn't let go of the hold he had on her shoulders. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." He eyed her curiously noting the dark circles beneath, but decidedly said nothing about them. "I was looking for you." Was all he said, after some time. "For me?" "For you." He answered, finally dropping his hands from her shoulders. "Well, let me have a bath first, then we'll break our fasts together. You can come with me, to my chambers." And just like that she sounded a little bit Like the mischievous little princess that had begun to grow on him. ~~~~~ They walked wordlessly to her chambers, with her stopping once to address a blond maid, telling the starry eyed maid, "to bring both of their breakfast to her chambers." If the request had the maid's interest piqued, Jasper had to hand it to her, she hid it well. But He was sure that other ears would hear of his breakfast with the princess. Not that there was much of anything to it, but he knew how