apping himself with the bedsheet. This pisses, work starts at 7:30 am and I'm still not ready, yet!. "James, I'm serious!. You have to leave!. You know how it works!." I scowl. and I start my daily work. "Heavenly Ghost!." I cry aloud. The files are damn much. "Are these decades Archives?". One of the many reason I hated Monday mornings. Just staring at these files makes me weak. And I feel so sleepy, I didn't sleep well last night. I'm unable to review these files and we have a meeting. Another reason why I hate Monday mornings. We have a weekly conference every Monday. I'm the one to expose. I'm in charge of the statistics department. It's something great, especially for a young girl of my age. 26yrs. It's a good job though very exhausting most of the time. These files give me a headache. Comfortably seat on my office stool, I place my head on the slap right in front of me, just to relax for a couple of minutes. This is how I fall asleep without realizing it. A few minutes later, close to hours. The office phone rings. I abruptly quiver out of my sleep, like I'm being followed by some demons. So embarrassing to see. I hastily pick up the phone call. "Grace hope you are done with the files. I need the summaries in my office 30 minutes before the meeting starts. That will be all for now!." My boss freaks me out. " O...ka...y... sir!." I pull my wards in shocks, but he already offed the call. I start working on the files but I'm left with an hour. The meeting is in the afternoon, directly after our break. I'm left with 2 hours before the meeting but my boss needs the files sooner, I think I'm going to grow made. He phones calls but I don't pick it up. I know what he wants. He finally barges into my office yelling so loudly that nearly everybody on our floor can overhear. The bitterness in his voice gets me guilty. He threatens to fire me if I don't present the files in time. With that, he leaves bac