img The Prince of Graustark  /  Chapter 10 AN HOUR ON DECK | 41.67%
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Chapter 10 AN HOUR ON DECK

Word Count: 3504    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ner. The deep roll of the vessel had ended so suddenly that she was thrown off her balance, at best precariously maintained in the hurricane that swept her along the deck. Sh

she came bang up against him and found h

reed herself in confusion-a very pretty confusion he recalled later on, after he had recovered to

one of her arms until the ship showed some signs

ried. "Nothing hurts worse than a bump. It seem

head," said he, and forthw

My maid is following me, poor thing, and I can't a

le green complexion came hustling around the corner. R.

h. Then she deposited an armful of rugs and magazines at Robin's feet, and clutched wildly at a post actually some ten feet away

d, Marie," cried her m

d then once more: "Merci, M'sieur!" She clung to the

your nerve." He closed the door after her and turned to the amused Miss Guile. "Well, it's an ill wind that blows no good," h

I would better go inside

in a rug before you can say Jack Robinson. See! Now stick 'em out and I'll wrap it around them. There! You're as nea

he inquired with grave concern. "Y

itement. I daresay my head has been turned quite appreciably, and I'm glad that you

hat sparkled and belied the

e she is not at all li


dashed, and then said "Oh," in a very unfriendly manner. She found her place in the magazine, assumed a mo

ut at the great, heaving billows. Suddenly remembering a

claimed. "There

gazine to drop into her lap, but keeping her

you perfectl

he wind blows,"

ll move into Mrs. Gaston's chai

me in the least,-unless you talk." She resume

For a long time she continued to read, her warm, rosy cheek half-averted, her eyes applied to their task with irritating constancy. He did n

ey thought of Miss Guile and R. Schmidt at all it was with the scorn that is usually devoted to youth at its very best. Th

d. She lowered the magazine and

it?" she inqu

he said. "Over

sidered poli

got on the back of my head you wo

possibly kno

his head, first removing his cap. She laughed nervously,

ed. "Oh, how sorry I am. Do-do you feel

ing his cap and favouring her

est sign of embarrassment. As a matter of fact,

s bump on my forehead. But that was a great many years ago and I cried. H

. "It isn't considered firs

egard you

l be so kin

ink I rather like you, Mr. Schmidt,

n rough weather," he went on, trying to forget that he was a prince of the royal blood, a rather difficult

me from Vienna?" sh

r his breath: "but they don't live there." It was not in him to

especially the younger. I cannot remembe

imed Robin, with genuine enthu

. Something had failed, and

e New York?

there. Miss Guile. You say you do not know the

of his daughter being e


essed by the curious notion that he was being "pumped" by his fair companion. Indeed, a certain insistent note ha

you se


hat is

" he equivocated. "Rather n

s the chance. I sometimes feel sorry for the poor wretches." There was more scorn than pity

himself the privilege, however, of declaring that foreign noblemen are not always as black as they are painted. And

im. He was more than ever convinced that she was playing with him. "But pray do not look so

obbing with the nobility while the humble Schmidt sits afar off and marvels at the kindness of a fate that befell him in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and yet curses the

d I quarrel over a condition that cannot apply to either of us? You are not a nobl

n and to add that if you come to Vienna my every

coldly. "You may rest easy, for I shall not keep you awake

Vienna," he said, somewh

a long time ago. I once saw the Emperor and ofte

elled extensiv

ly," she said. "I was educated in Paris, I have spent innumerable winters

into her eyes. "You are travelling under an assumed name." She remained perfectly still, watching hi

ever, in all his life, had he gazed upon a lovelier face. His heart began to beat with a rapidity that startled him

not Guile," she cried merrily. The dimples pl

, I'm sure. Baedeker Gu

, what i

the B. really stand

t way, Miss Guil

he said, with absolute

, d'y

e cried admiringly. "It is the first really honest smile you've display


ds on the

heap market. They are not

m to any one who loves

h compliments, I see, and

ake that a

le," she s

ively but literally. He came surging across the deck in a mad dash

n's sustaining person. "There is a wireless for Mr. Totten, sir, but when I took it to 'im he said to f

bs. Well, w

see, sir, I 'esitated about giving

ly pardon me if I devote a second or two to an occupatio

said, and smiled upon the bewildered Hobbs, who af

ough and at the e

d see if it will not serve to mak

t it be wise for me to hannounce who it

o you needn't worry. It is from ho

es interest me. I thou


tling away a great deal mor

d the young man,

e two for a few seconds. The

has the millions and the daught

iss Guile," he said absently. He

would a

on? I was-e

quence, Mr. Schmidt

matter of fact, I've heard it said that M

e irony. "Is he such a dre

ed Robin uncomfortably. "He may

," she persisted, with unmistak

u didn't," he confessed.

doesn't marry him,

ter a moment, she looked away, her first surrender

as they're painted, wouldn't it?" she said, striving to

half American," he said. "You must not

rican name," she mused, th

s Bedelia

. Schmidt, if I express

he tiniest sugges

uile," said he, quite too distinctly. She drew back in

mperial so

? The R stan

unts for the K

d. "The king can do no

ng but the King's English, I perceive.

that he has taught me many tricks of th

o be bored. As a matter of fact, she hid an

y room. Will you kindly

sted her to her feet, steadying h

er," he announced, with as gallant a bow

leased to take it that she was not

, and she was in hers, and the promenade d

d, attended not only by Hobbs but also the reani

trunk on which he had been sitting. "If you had come any sooner you would hav

pectfully than was his wont. It was evi

f it?" demanded the Prince

, and then uttered a mighty groan of impotence. It was clear

conigram, and calmly sm

very slowly and with ex

ngthy communication fro

r in Ed

a that marriage is practically arranged between R. and M. Interviews with Blithers corroborate reported engagement. Europe is amused. Editorials sarcastic. Price on our securities advance two points on co

hall pray for conti

out of a long-courted and much needed sleep. The poor lady

What do you think? I have a perfectly w

o unfeeling?" moa

austark!" cried the girl excitedly. "I

ere popping, not wit

whimpered. "Marie! The sle

listen to me and I'll tell you why I bel

do you h

rously. "Wake up! It isn'

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