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The S**y Luna's Hot Revenge

The S**y Luna's Hot Revenge

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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1217    |    Released on: 28/03/2022


h the inclusion of my memory, is only a hazy blur. And

out of whatever is behind me, but then I find out that my mo

I was feeling against me is the pol


get into this

out the events that had occurred leadin

ck, my memory of the last events tri

o, immediately...... Lily sensing we might actually get killed..... us getting into a random car and turning the car around to get us back to safety from the claws of the pack's owner....., The large truck at our rear ...and then hitting our stolen from behind.....Th

cident, where is Lilly? She was in the accident too? And why am I handcuffed t

ts are dead! I'm a refugee in a foreign pack! Somehow, I find out I'm mates to the Alpha, but before we could accept our mating bond,

voice I know very well says, as the owner of the voi

rk woo

pulling you awake?" Alpha Marcus spits into my face, seething. I raise my head and see him standing before me in all his glory -6.7f


that would have sent me sprawling,

e not tell all of you puny wolves that the only escape available for you is your death?" Diana

rrible. I

to Lilly? What d

me and Lilly to a hospital first. They are just b

rrass me in front of these great people and that too, at my residence? Making them neglect my e

oping he will understand. But at that, he only sends another kick

die here since the ac

speak, Omega." Micah sna

eep my mouth shut and succumb to their verbal ins

one in my position, has every right to speak. That I know at leas

nd, a force hits my cheek and pushes my head obliquely

one helm of a swelling and

t was not the iron fillings that the people in upper po

h us eat. Once, it even killed one of us, but th

I have not lost a tooth. That would be a terrib

g coughed out of my system. "Please t-tell me where Lily is." I rasp out, spitt

me before he sends another punch to my face. My lips

ted to kill her but that would have been too nice

o death. And yes, even her white wolf's fast healing powers will not help her now-S

o that." I plead with them and Mica

nyone's behalf....Thief" Marcus shouts and leans closer. "Did you actually think that I w

" Diana adds and they all fall into a fit of laughter but silence

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