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Chapter 9 The Broken Iceberg

Word Count: 1723    |    Released on: 26/04/2022

ld of the night in a place not far from the lake. Dan Oh, Siera, Gwi, Ryu and Key sit in a circle around the campfire while enjoying dinner from t

s still alone and sitting by the lake. It seemed that the man did not want to rejoin his entourage in a meantime. No one

down and give the man as much time as he needed to be able to come back and deal with whatever was bothering his mind. Everyone knew what the man had gone through a

distance. Seeing how glum the man was, this cheerful girl began to feel guilty even th

ra answered Dan Oh's question calmly. Her expression seemed flat and calm, yet there was a flash of sadness on her beautiful eyes. Dan Oh change her gaze and lookin

, who didn't understand. Siera si

he had been hit by the cheol spear arrow after fighting to repel their attack and try to protect Woon from an attack that he didn't even realized" the princess began recounting the tragic e

" asked Dan Oh curiously. Pri

stiff, he had lost the fiancée he l

he who had died. Now Dan Oh understands the meaning of the facial expression Woon shows when talking about his adopted cousin. T

were as our two parents... If he hadn't been born in this world, Binju wouldn't have caused all of this dama

to fulfill his ambition of getting invincible power. If it was me... Obviously I would

others" Siera laughed sarcastically for her brother's tenderness. Sometimes under these circumstances she wishes that her brother had at least a little t

ju would never have a grudge against our family and caused the deaths of our parents. But it's not his fault, not at all. And Pysche's death.... W

burden himself alone? The thought of a beloved someone dying as a result of his or her mistake is a very painful

on her mind all this time, it's just that she doesn't know how to make her brother could understand about it. Siera is not a warm person, it is not easy for h

f the things that happened to him" muttered the princess feeling the loss of the real figure of her beloved brother. She missed her brother's radiant attitude and was full of smiles like he used t

d again now," the

took a large piece of perfectly cooked meat and placed it

schooler girl asked the princess.

r hearing the story about him from the princess, there was a feeling of sympathy that appeared in her heart. The feeling that made the girl feel unable to ignore and left the man alone in his slump. Th

h him and chose to observe the dark lake water which reflecting the moonlight on its surface. No wonder the man lik

creature emitted a beautiful violet light. When she viewed it at a close range, it turns out that the tiny creature has a shape like a small baby that has w

g and admiring the tiny creature that had just landed on her fingertips. The girl stared at th

ed from hunger right?" the girl taunted the prince in a condescending tone without looking at him and still focused on the antutu who had just flown awa

g to her scolding. The man also began to obs

o the little girl beside him. He saw the high school girl looking at him with a

s ago," Dan Oh continued. Woon let out a long sigh and turned his gaze back towards

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