mobs. There have only been a few casualties. The General is leading the charge
r. The armies' swords are still swinging. The other armies remained stationed within the settleme
battling. Shikari Gakure is slaying the Monsters, while Gakushin Gakure is on the backline with the
bs are steadily approaching him. Shikari Gakure attacked with his hand
e dark mob flew out of the forest towards the General. The General was com
g it. The General's left eye was sliced, forcing him to sit on the ground. He looked
The General rose up, his left hand on the left side of his eye. Soldier Æ noticed that it left a scar and that he was
he rest of his team can clear the area!" the Gener
ish them off," Soldier Æ ordered as they turned around. The armies withdrew to the village gat
the large trees. The sorcerers number only five. Other men who are still battling outside have been wounded, inju
t impact on where he landed. Gakushin Gakure and the samurai
the ground was trembling, but they could feel magic. A mystery fig
head of him in the distance. He dashed up to the man and touche
yells at Gakushin Gakure as he
lets clear the battlefield," Gakushin Gakure responded, turn
the Medical Facility, whoever is w
him begins to rumble. A large tree root appears beneath him. He dashes for a
as begun to ascend with its floor. As Gakushin Ga
shin Gakure exclaimed as he jumped backwards and landed on a large tree branc
When she heard someone knock on the door, she cleared her thro
notices the man is a little scared. She thinks he's a retired one. The man charged
!" Fudo Toka said furiously as she touched her left hand with her right hand. She was upside down on the ceiling. She has her foot pierced through the c
s special cloak and a hoody. He leaped very high in order to have a better perspective of t
ld hear footsteps approaching him quickly. It abruptly vanished, and he heard them in the trees. He t
trees around him as he turned around. The large trees surround
en snatched it from his grasp and threw it into the large tree behind
r!" Himura Kiri remarked, pointing his blade in one
ri no longer shows emotion to the individuals in front of him. One
turned his blade quickly and flew it at Himura Kiri. He quickly shifted to the left to avoid the incoming swo
high. The swordsmen on the ground stare at Himura Kiri, but he immediately executes a move. "I need to get out of here. I'm making an afterimage and get
hed. The other swordsmen also left and vanished. Himura Kiri tries to flee, although he is
vanishes, this must be the place. Tck! I should make an emerge
ashed it into bits. He takes a glance around and scents the trees in the unknown wilderness. He notice
o in and make sure no one dies!" Gakushin Gakure yelled to the samurai as he entered the hole. The samurai destroyed the i
murai could still feel the powerful earthquake shaking the ground and the tree branch he was
with extraordinary force. He instantly sought for the one with the strongest part of dark magic and ran, but there were also so many Dark mobs under it, so
he took a seat on the floor. "He's somewhere in the forest, we sh
ide them," the General commands, and he nods. Shin walks outside the gate, dr
- how?!" The samurai exclaimed furiously. Shikari Gakure su
still shaking, he might be looking for the Dark magics core," the samurai replied as h
ark mobs underground. The sorcerers are almost done clearing out the areas. A lot of big trees are
the tremors in the distance. The sorcerers are assembling a ma
ng a great deal of Dark magic. They approached it. Because it is a large timber tree, the surrounding trees are still unharmed. Shikari Ga
e cave, he quickly draws his sword and enters. There are many Dark monsters inside, he sees many Dark mobs that just slai
t when he looked back, he saw that they hadn't been transformed into
n the distance. "Gakushin!" Shikari Gakure shouted as he ran to
," Gakushin Gakure remarked. "I just came here,
joined their swords, pointing the blades straight. They run as the Dark mobs are de
rk round magic circle in the distance in an open cave. They jumped towards it and broke the round circle in half. Suddenl
thing his blade. Gakushin Gakure looked around and noticed that nature was gr
illage," Gakushin Gakure exclaimed cheerfully. He withdraw hi
ted while looking up at the ceiling. "Yeah! We should clear out the battlefield or
o a halt where they were standing, sensing that the shaking ground had finally
the General to one of the sorcerers. "What's that suppos
urn because we have a lot more to do," the woman sorcerer stated as she passed him
heads said, this is an important mission fo
," Shin stated as Soldier handed him a
some of them are carrying the injured. The General returns to the vil
rd and made a hole on top with one stroke of his blade, pointing his sword and fl
kushin Gakure remarked as he swung his blade. A thousand m
at this outside of the village would still be standing," th
, and become more, you are a leader." One of the heads of the vill
now if that owl reaches the west,"
clan has been found," stated the man in the middle, pressing
big trouble," the man in th
hat it had a wound that had healed. The man found a document behind the owl and took
, but this is an emergency," the man exclaimed quickly
o somewhere at least, or just go back home and use a teleporter," Himura Kiri sighed in irritation as
t be a waterfall, I remember something on the ma
nch to see what kind of water fall it is. He glances at his water bottle, which is
mured, looking up at the sky. He walked to the waterfall's brink and real
he sensed the presence of swordsmen coming from below. He swiftly grabbed his sword and stand. Hundreds of swordsmen appeared from the bottom of
Himura Kiri exclaimed as he s