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Chapter 2 The hot guy

Word Count: 550    |    Released on: 08/04/2022

engine stopped in the middle of the road. Her he

ng stupid car ,I used to like you , Linda said desperately. She was about to cry when someone

ind of a trouble, said the hot guy with black sunnies, he had such a n

a why my car just stopped out of a sudden and I must go now or e

y solve the problem, said the

eyes said Linda to herself,

would be so nice of you, sa

the car don't wann start but Linda was so caught up with his beautifu

owe you the world, you don't know how im

help said the hot guy w

of my heart, can I do something

omething for me, by the way my Na

hy smile. This guy was staring so much at her that she started to

I would love to have dinner wit

love to have someone to show me

guess I can s

ally hot but she had enough of nice, good looking guys, she wanted someone who can really like her the way

umber? I don't want to detaine you

a minute I have to take my

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