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Chapter 2 Hello

Word Count: 853    |    Released on: 07/04/2022

as Padmaja, the taller Aparajita and ahem the Greek God was Jairaj. Did I mention his dimples that made me want to dive into them like a deep abyss that draws you in everytime he smiled. It h

k where she'd enjoyed the peace and tranquillity which thereby helped her to focus she got a whiff of cedar, musk and oak with a hint

d topped with an early morning, I'm not feeling myself but Hey, Good morning and I'm going to grab a cup of coffee would you like one? Ayesha rushed off the pantry without waiting for a reply. On getting there she whacked herself oh her head twice and started beating the coffee almost as though she was beating herself up.

why." Shilpa nodded as she understood what I meant and we started walking back to our work stations and just as I sat down, that magnetic voice again. "Is that coffee mine? I remember you asking if I wanted one b

ving. "Thank you, it's a lovely cup of coffee and oh darn I could get used to this everyday" he said smiling at me. "Getting used to what" I asked nervously as he

t if she didn't get away from him. "Coffee today cos it's your first day. You better not get used to

walking out she quickly picked up her belongings and ran towards the lift, "Wait for me!!!" Ayesha yelled and ran towards the lift as the doors were closing and immediately a hand shot out to stop the doors from closing and Ayesha ran into the lift panting. As she turned to look at her saviour she took a large gulp on realising it was Jairaj and now she had to be in this enclos

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