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Chapter 8 The ball 2

Word Count: 1581    |    Released on: 23/04/2022

ry on her wrist. It turned out it wasn't her intention to bring it along to be stolen


ald man repeated with a bat in his hands " don't make me

gorgeous" they e

r first" she hasn't been that happy to see someone like she did at the m

king'the leader hissed at him then diverted his at

will be dire. Leave her alone" he said sternly and

or Shamira's bag but Michael was quick to act by dodging his b

broke my nose. You'll pay for this"

dispatch. An order they couldn't wait to obey as they left one af

ime of the day? He asked crouching to pick her bag and

and I want to help. I want to help you with the funds if you can build the infirmary and other things you mentioned befo

ven remember

s. You don't know what they

dy to fund it. Look, I brought so

a matter of fact increasing his p

o different from them but would you ever forgive yourself knowing you could make a change but let the opportunity slip by. I have enough in this bag to build a learning center, a

e, a market, and an infirmary" he

Please don't

home. Stealing from daddy isn't called charity" he tells her sauntering away again, she s

walking as soon as she said his name. She mentioned his name. His

erald eyes with specks of gray in it and gulped

t it seemed to have something to do with Michael being close to her. " I said slow dow

" he said teasingly. She narrowed h

sisted while he sighed star

e decides to let it go cos he d

" she tells him ' not a

lie to me. It's all over you even a blind man can tell. Anyway, how old

ou in or what? There she goes with that voic

ghty princess" he teased taking a different route while

ree people in it. Whereas, Joseph, Diana, and Lilith weren't happy to s

Michael didn't have time for private

now. Meet princess Aldara. She's here to help you achieve your dreams. She had promised to fund yo

e? You don't belong here princess" she finished

their entwined hands. She didn't know why she suddenly felt a sen

e people and how they could benefit from this. Affin

she wore the finest of clothes. Pieces of jewelry worth ten bags of gold

aching for her bag which Michael tossed to her. He moved close to her to ge

sk for it if you wan

like us then you're in the wrong place" Joseph turned to look at

you want from me? I can't believe this. Michael, who are t

l Latimore, he's an addition to the team. In here, I'm the elite leader. A swordsman and Michael is a blacksmith. He's pretty good with weapo

er with a hug while Lilith gave

nonchalantly then

ng so here's the fund. Will it be enough? Joseph nodded watching a

e pieces

u're rich" Diana exclaimed c

e added struggling to take off her necklace. Michae

thy rich princess" Joseph exclaimed gatheri

what you've done for them. Asher can

ed to go home. It's getting late"Shamira

ress. Besides, we know nothing about stuff like this. I'm sure you h

st ask he



Chapter 1 Stranger Chapter 2 Survival Chapter 3 Sneak peek Chapter 4 Their encounter Chapter 5 Hooded figure Chapter 6 The meeting Chapter 7 The ball Chapter 8 The ball 2 Chapter 9 Life in Affin
Chapter 10 Life in Affin 2
Chapter 11 The queen is missing
Chapter 12 Found
Chapter 13 She's the queen
Chapter 14 Loose control
Chapter 15 Learning control
Chapter 16 Instincts
Chapter 17 Invited to the castle
Chapter 18 Threatened
Chapter 19 Good or bad news
Chapter 20 The queen's dilemma
Chapter 21 A mistress
Chapter 22 Enslaved
Chapter 23 Services
Chapter 24 Brave hearts
Chapter 25 Wendigo
Chapter 26 Knighting ceremony
Chapter 27 Conspiracy in the palace
Chapter 28 Overcomer
Chapter 29 Lady Sophia's revenge
Chapter 30 Part of the king's Army
Chapter 31 The King's council
Chapter 32 A new law
Chapter 33 More Suffering
Chapter 34 A plan
Chapter 35 Heather and Posea
Chapter 36 I'm innocent
Chapter 37 Someone to control the crowd
Chapter 38 Part of the queen's entourage
Chapter 39 Poisoned
Chapter 40 Incubus
Chapter 41 Blamed
Chapter 42 Promoted
Chapter 43 Revealed
Chapter 44 Her pain
Chapter 45 The King's army
Chapter 46 XLVI
Chapter 47 XLVII
Chapter 48 XLVIII
Chapter 49 XLIX
Chapter 50 L
Chapter 51 LI
Chapter 52 LII
Chapter 53 LIII
Chapter 54 LIV
Chapter 55 LV
Chapter 56 LVI
Chapter 57 LVII
Chapter 58 LVIII
Chapter 59 LIX
Chapter 60 LX
Chapter 61 LXI
Chapter 62 LXII
Chapter 63 LXIII
Chapter 64 LXIV
Chapter 65 LXV
Chapter 66 LXVI
Chapter 67 LXVII
Chapter 68 LXVIII
Chapter 69 LXIX
Chapter 70 LXX
Chapter 71 LXXI
Chapter 72 LXXII
Chapter 73 LXXIII
Chapter 74 LXXIV
Chapter 75 LXXV
Chapter 76 LXXVI
Chapter 77 LXXVII
Chapter 78 LXXVIII
Chapter 79 LXXIX
Chapter 80 LXXX
Chapter 81 LXXXI
Chapter 82 LXXXII
Chapter 83 LXXXIII
Chapter 84 LXXXIV
Chapter 85 LXXXV
Chapter 86 LXXXVI
Chapter 87 LXXXVII
Chapter 88 LXXXVIII
Chapter 89 LXXXIX
Chapter 90 XC
Chapter 91 XCI
Chapter 92 XCII
Chapter 93 XCIII
Chapter 94 XCIV
Chapter 95 XCV
Chapter 96 XCVI
Chapter 97 XCVII
Chapter 98 XCVIII
Chapter 99 XCIX
Chapter 100 C
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