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Billionaire's Baby Mama

Billionaire's Baby Mama

Author: Vic To Ria
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Chapter 1 The Result

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 21/04/2022


d. I was seated before the doctor w

d an unreadable expression on, b

the silly mistake that happened could turn

ld teen, until my friends convinced me to accompany them to a night club,

e at my mother who wa

ed his throat and mom sn

making her way out of the doctor's of

the office, and trailed silently behi

I never thought the s_x I had with

to him and now I'm having a baby fo

ge to mom's reputation if th

r good reputation for years e

my mom so much and it's the same for mom too, as I'm the

office, it was blank, I couldn't read her expres

ther. Mom hasn't said a word to me ever since we

e gon' make me abort the baby?

I don't even know whom the guy is!, I wa

all of a sudden and m

ds the door, only to see mom standing by


p, and I gulped down into nothing as my throat

" I said and I could see the cha

" She asked as her face

king over to me while

onna hurt you " She sa

loud enough for me to hear, as she lowered her head,

to happen!, It was a mistake, I swear " I

ead to me and ga

do something " She said an

my clumsiness got

look on mom made me feel terrible, she looked stresse

on her feet and

find a solution to this... Stay safe,

a forced smile before

breath before as

, I'm giving her a hard time!, She has always been the best mother one could ever hope for, she made sure I n

d repay her, a baby wi

ars threatening to rush ou

!, I'm a disappointment!

t my eyes as I

she deserves better, I'm just a disappointment!, All this years, she s

us from his families!, And she suceeded, she got them!!, She put me in the best school, I dreamed of taking over her companies to relieve

future I had planned together with

d with watery eyes before walk

nd a paper as tears t

live!, I'm a disg


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