img A Sacred Bond  /  Chapter 2 No.2 | 3.23%
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Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2409    |    Released on: 30/04/2022

n her face, and then Dawn had realized she did not get Logan anything; her smile began to fai

and I didn't get you anything," Dawn u

two are the most important gifts to me, and I wouldn't want anything else" Logan kissed Dawn again and embraced her with another hug. Dawn became happier, and once the hug broke, he took the necklace from Dawn's hand.

eat before the

ced the plate in front of William on the table. In contrast, Logan places the cups on the table started pouring juice into them. Logan put out the chair and directed Dawn to come

lliam said, tu

meet your mate; you going to kiss on her, the

let out a big laugh and stated, "You say that now; jus

"Don't bet o

th both, but before she can go deep into her thoughts. Something broke her trance, it was the sound of shattered glass, they all looked shocked, and at eac

s the investigation continued, Logan caught a scent, which got a little intense to the point that Phoenix was going nuts. The smell wa

had come through the window; he ran while shouted to Dawn, "Baby, get out now" Dawn scooped William up and headed to the kitchen, towards the b

their direction. From the look of these wolves, they are rouges, and Aurora told Dawn, "Dawn, I

r direction in the woods, passing every big tree. Dawn's fear started to become tenser because she wanted to protect William at all causes. Dawn looked at Logan to see if he was back or if Phoenix was still ther

hind him, and he turns to his side to know that Daw

him a nod, and she was about to prepare to run; before she could, more wolves came and surrounded the

among them, and she knew they were out for war. She knew she and Logan could take them, but her main concern was William. William is just a child and has n

William to a safe

g to figure out a plan to get Dawn and William to safety. There were so many thoughts running into Logan's mind that he overlook

rk blue eyes; Phoenix was more significant than the other wolf.

ked up, Logan went in for the kill and bit down on his stomach so deep that blood was gushing out. When the wolf howls, Logan tears

fore she got any further, she turned around to see the other five wolves surrounded Logan than the black one-headed straight to Logan left leg and bit down

yone was hiding in them. Dawn rapidly headed over to the brushes, and she put William down gently, and she told him, "Baby, hide here, don't come till one of us, come get you no mat

hey both rolled into the grass; when they stopped, they got separated. Aurora and the other wolf had done a stare down, showing their teeth to one another. Aurora aims for the wolf's right arm, and which she bit down on it that made the wolf fall to the ground whimpering in pain as she cultivates him; with her sharp teeth,

she dropped, Aurora strode over to the next wolf and crawled at its throat, and the wolf fell. Aurora looked over to where Phoenix was; she saw him standing up and, she noticed that he was limpin

around to search for clothes immediately; she was able to find a man's long white tee shirt and some black jeans, she gave the jeans to Logan, and she put the shirt on. Logan was struggling a little bit, trying to lift his leg to get into the pant leg. "Here, let me help you,"

iam came out from the brushes; still a little frightened, he ran over to his parents, and they all embraced each other. The excitement was short

t go," Lo

look of his wombs, the wolf got him good. Knowing the wolves are getting closer and closer. Dawn had to d

illiam and get

ut you?"

m, which will give you bot


y? I'm not leaving you

able to survive another fight because they can smell the blood, and if I know these typ

alpha blood in me, I'm strong, and I have to do this." She said with tears flowing down her eyes. With that, Logan knew that there was no way to stop her when Dawn set her mind to do something. That was one of

ora; from there, their eyes had locked, and she gave him a wink with one of her eyes. From there, she headed to the location of the rouges. Logan held William and started running while limping in the other direction;

re feeling the pain, and Phoenix was going crazy, telling Logan, "Our mates are hurting; go to them." Logan gained up enough strength and started running ba

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