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Chapter 4 Is there any man in your heart

Word Count: 1283    |    Released on: 26/04/2022


en by PR

ather couch inside the big chamber, removing her shoes probably because she have been in the 10

traighten her long slender legs on the couch becau


like any other day in his room removing his clothes and throwing them on t

s Arc enemy looking at her sleeping peacefully he couldn't help but admire the work of nature before him ,

th his Cold eyes which clearly shows hatred for her and for her family, t

with what he was doing


sly looking at the clothes on the couch, she figured it out herself, Mr iced face is back, how wil

rvousness she started passing from one end to another, he clearly don't like her that why the

o just walked out of the shower with a towel

face turned red before she bowed her head embarrassed, he walked pass her avoiding any

s Wei young couldn't help but fee

ess before you go take your bath " he s

to show me to my room " she mastered up the courage to say but that little co

am, we are now lawfully wedded couple, which means that you are now my wife and as a wife you should SLEEP with

as made him happy and s

he ordered and she quick

out her night dress and towel and ran into the bathroom making sure th

e right, she don't blame them for choosing her instead of the


er hair wet, she robotically walk to the walk in dress

ready to sleep but he seems

me h

ulled her close to himself, very close , teasin

her face turned red with embarrass

wife he also don't have any form of respect for her " the

ut dare not to complain... After a

wering my quest

said ho

s filled with ridicul at 22 w

away from h

d, the same girl she looked around and find out that the Dead

r life as if that wasn't enough the

he couldn't sleep last night and today he

out her past ? The darkest days of her life that has become a nightm

werful is h

she is fine for now but the condition can be triggered in the future, this wasn't new to

st every reason to live seeing other ✍️pronita ✍️ children her age,

took pity on the 8 years old girl she stayed there for 3 good years u

is , growing up was tough on her now when she's beginnin

r face, she lost her habitat

oked on with pity

on the same bad but he never made a move on her and she was happy with t

ss was also cut short by him



Chapter 1 Synopsis Chapter 2 Taking her sisters place Chapter 3 The wrong groom showed up Chapter 4 Is there any man in your heart Chapter 5 Who permit you to touch my things Chapter 6 Exchange it with something Chapter 7 Forcefully taking her first kiss Chapter 8 I will teach you once Chapter 9 She is really stupid Chapter 10 Familiar stranger Chapter 11 For my husband
Chapter 12 How is she related to him
Chapter 13 Did she bite you
Chapter 14 He likes her performance
Chapter 15 Remember this date
Chapter 16 Her illusion
Chapter 17 Deception
Chapter 18 Alone in the cemetery
Chapter 19 Are you not worried about her
Chapter 20 Crazy
Chapter 21 Wife snatcher
Chapter 22 Hubby
Chapter 23 Wrong!! You called me wrongly
Chapter 24 Obligations
Chapter 25 Strangled
Chapter 26 Sueing
Chapter 27 Who wants to play with you
Chapter 28 Let get divorced
Chapter 29 Visit to the orphanage
Chapter 30 Help!!
Chapter 31 Kidnapped
Chapter 32 Game over
Chapter 33 Why did you ask for his help
Chapter 34 Growing temper
Chapter 35 Little Star
Chapter 36 Broken
Chapter 37 Absolute freedom
Chapter 38 Li family owe him
Chapter 39 His dominance
Chapter 40 You have a beautiful smile
Chapter 41 Shocking
Chapter 42 Heartless
Chapter 43 Leaving
Chapter 44 Picking flowers
Chapter 45 What news
Chapter 46 Another Wei young
Chapter 47 Cockold
Chapter 48 He is your husband
Chapter 49 His choice
Chapter 50 Madam is awake
Chapter 51 You are not her
Chapter 52 As per your wish
Chapter 53 Officially dating
Chapter 54 No good-bye s
Chapter 55 She is now different
Chapter 56 Teasing
Chapter 57 She is also pregnant
Chapter 58 Out on date
Chapter 59 Don't subdue me with those tears
Chapter 60 Good bye
Chapter 61 He divorced in his own free will
Chapter 62 I don't need anyone's help to bring up my child
Chapter 63 Shameless father
Chapter 64 Invited guest
Chapter 65 Not responsible for my pregnancy
Chapter 66 Aggressive and gentle at a time
Chapter 67 You are mentally unstable
Chapter 68 My wife and child are with me
Chapter 69 We couldn't do want to see him
Chapter 70 Why lie to me
Chapter 71 Get out of my life
Chapter 72 Leave that
Chapter 73 He is back
Chapter 74 Pregnancy can't be hidden
Chapter 75 He actually came by himself
Chapter 76 Not smart enough
Chapter 77 It's still there
Chapter 78 What does it have to do with me
Chapter 79 Let get married
Chapter 80 Keep your Man on check
Chapter 81 White lotus plus
Chapter 82 Vicious woman
Chapter 83 Remarried
Chapter 84 What will become of young miss Li
Chapter 85 Hard to say goodbye
Chapter 86 What! You lost her
Chapter 87 His shen Ming
Chapter 88 The past
Chapter 89 Welcoming a new member
Chapter 90 Welcoming a new member 2
Chapter 91 Her transformation
Chapter 92 Love is like that
Chapter 93 Gently waking Mom up
Chapter 94 Family reunion
Chapter 95 His confession, the perfect ending
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