img BABYSITTING JENNA  /  Chapter 2 I'M 23 | 3.51%
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Chapter 2 I'M 23

Word Count: 1049    |    Released on: 29/04/2022

?" Iris

s laptop and lo

fired" h

She asked a

e have the guts. He looked at her an

ou came late and you still wanna work here,

ay for a valid reason" sh

r as he stared at her, the stares he's givi

hospital around 6 and...and.." as she'

rong sir?

lly bad did you brush

out I... I...." She paus

aking my dog to the hospita

are you?"

e bit h

wenty three forget

e I just didn't have time

e ashamed" he

t even wear makeup, I promise not

ou're fired"







apped and scat

tely looked away when h

ve now?" Jak

ish scoff

lee stood up from her

did i

me how it looks like?" I

frowny" Ka

our question ag

babe maybe

t time, I'm fed up!" Ir

Jake's office that's just opposite hers, his glass

chance" she pouted, then he raised his head up to look

d I love you so much, really much my handsome fallen angel

g?" He asked and she cam

ushed to her office then faced he



a round of a plus for T

for the little girl named T

have another activity coming up right n

did with their mom last night" miss Raspen smil

ion changed immediat

ou made a mista

turned her head from the

na's name on t

d at the board an

ng with it, Jenna is a s

ve a mom" Terra c

can you say

aspen, ion have a m

th you, you might not be able to see her but she's with you" miss R

an see her perfectly fine.. miss R

d at Jenna and Je

ne" she

tell us what you did with your m

e how to cut it into a star, mummy cookies is so yummy that my dad

raised her hands and ran

hought me how to swim, last night I and

ho wants to talk nex

bout their mom, Jenna could handle it anymor

miss Ras

uted and ran after her, he met he

alled and sa

cried and hug

mom, I just want a mom that'll teach me how to swim and

aspen said, we have a mom but yo

do see your mom right?" S

see my mom

mom did with you la

thing" h

" She h

ther, she downloaded SpongeBob SquarePants f

that too" sh

Jenna, don't cry anymo

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