img Those Extraordinary Twins  /  Chapter 7 LUIGI DEFIES GALEN | 77.78%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1950    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ched on a sofa in the sitting-room, Aunt Patsy was fussing at Angelo's arm, Nancy was flying around under her commands, the two young boys were trying to keep out of the way and al

ds the most learned physician in the town, and was quite well aware of it, and could talk his learning with ease and precision, an

t Aunt Patsy was so anxious and so pressing that he allowed his caution to be

followed by ossification and extradition of the maxillaris superioris, which must decompose the granular surfaces of the great infusorial ganglionic system, thus obstructing the action of the posterior varioloid arteries, and pr

t is plain there is no hope"; the good-hearted negro wench, Nancy, paled to chocolate, then to orange, then to amber, and thought to herself with yearning sympathy and sorrow, "Po' thing, he ain' gwyne to las' throo de half o' dat"; small Henry choked

ed by wasting precious time; give him a

sked the

se he was going to

of c

never took a dose of medic

s the most extraordinary

re about them that's wonderful than their just being made in the image of God like the rest of His creatures, now you ca

y Joe

ey ain't mad

, Joe. I'll let you know when I want hel

sixteen thousand years. Galen used it for everything, applied it to everything, said it would remove everything, from warts all the way through to lungs and it generally did. Galen was still the on

s battery must be constructed on the premises by the family, and mistakes could occur; for he wrote a doctor's hand-t

pikenard, galangals, opoponax, anacardium, mastich, brimstone, peony, eringo, pulp of dates, red and white hermodactyls, roses, thyme, acorns, pennyroyal, gentian, the bark of the root of mandrake, germander, valerian, bishop's-weed, bayberries, long and white pepper, xylobalsamum, carnabadium, macedonian, parsley seeds, lovage, the seeds of rue, and sinon, of each a dram and a half; of pure go

patient; give his brother a dipperf

urvives," mu

when he is thirsty-which will be frequently-moisten a rag in the vapor of the tea kettle and let his brother suck it. When he is hungry-which will also be

as Angelo is concerned," said

matter with you," the doctor answered,

k what I pleas

diet, of course, and also bleed you, but there is no occasion for that yet awhile." He turned to Aunt Patsy and said: "He m

t," said Luigi, "it postpones the funer

quietly to

wo o'clock this afternoon, and will resume them after three, but


ommunion, and by appointment am to be

y!-it cannot

red with pla

prevent it, i

sir, in your condition

from Angelo's eyes, and he broke

be to die for such a cau

r your brother; you would

hought swept through his mind that made him shudder. "If I had not run, I might hav

wouldn't waste it for a little thing like that; there's a glass case a

was shocked

!-don't tal

"Oh, if I but had the dear privilege of protecting and defending him with my weak voice

light their candles, and see that you drive all the mosquitoes out of their bar, and ma

and some gum shoes for his ears," Luigi interrupted, with temper; and add

uch a fractious thing. A body would th

drowning was postponed a minute ago, but I'm not n

u go on like that. Why, I never heard the beat of it. Now, there-the

Aunt P

t you hear wh

my heart and lungs afloat in that pail of sewa

ena, take the prescription and go in the kitchen and hunt up the things and lay them out for me. I'll sit up with my patient the rest of the night, doc

arlier, I'll be along by early candle-light, anyway

with calm d

two o'clock. Nothing but

thing aloud, but t

rally he's a lion. I'll go and tell the others about this; it will raise him a

proud of Angelo's courage in the moral fiel

naudibly, and gratefully, "We're all honky, after a

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