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Chapter 2 Episode 1

Word Count: 725    |    Released on: 02/06/2022

first wife and Cynthia my stepmom his second wife. My mom had me as her only fruitful seed after countless miscarriag

d I am the eldest child of Richardson a diligent, noble, and well-resp

a scarce memory of, from the words I heard about her from our neighbors I find out that my mom is a very good, nice, friendly and kind-hearted wom

e heartbreaking death of my mom. My Dad was always on the high

iend that when my stepmom was married into the father's house that was how she made trouble with my mom never giving my mom peace of mind, always picking up fights or argument

y on me, she made my life hell on Earth. I always weep, cry, and even once tried to commit suicide at the age of twelve. I hated the way life

h water to full all the drums and gallons in the house everyday, whenever there is any single remains of water from the previous day she would tell me to throw it away and ask me to fill it up with a new water,I would mop the house up to ten times a day, boil water for my siblings whenever they want to bath which was up to seven to ten times a day, wash their clothes and undies,she so much pampered her kids to the extent non of them could do

t or second semester in the university, I was still in high school class 2 to be precise. At this time my stepmom tried he

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