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Chapter 2 MYSTERY IN LOVE (chapter 2)

Word Count: 2164    |    Released on: 17/06/2022

ing, Nick one of the cooks came up to ask what the visitors would like have for dinner. He was a man of medium height with a puffy face and little eyes. He was closed shaven

to abuse her and even beat her. Whenever he got drunk, the lady used to hide upstairs and in private rooms but the guy could follow her in those rooms. So on such occasions, my friends and other servants in the hotel use to stay announced so that they will defend her in case the guy begin talking about love. The guy use to say, "our love is born and no one can separate

fit one case does not apply in dozens of other cases. The best thing is to handle one case after the other but that seems to be time consuming. I like would to explain one case after the other or every case individually without attempting to generalize. We ought, as the doctors use to individualise each case of each patient. This is perfect way to g

we are never tired of asking ourselves questions, whether it is honorable or dishonorable. Sensible, or stupid what this love is leading up to and so on. Whether it is a good thing or not, I don't know. But that it is in the way. Being unsatisfactory or irritating. So every person who has involved in love, has a story to tell. People who lead a so

ust confess without some repugnance. The farm did not yield much and if one is not to farm at a loss, one must employ labourers or hired labourers, which is almost the same thing or keep yourself as a peasant farmer who farm to feed himself or his family. There is no middle path for that. But in those days I did not go into such subtleties. I did not leave a cloud of earth unturned. I gathered together all the peasants, men and women from the neighboring villages to work in my farm. The work went on at a tremendous pace. I myself could cultivate and do other manual work and I was bored doing it. I was frowned with disgust like a village cat driven by hunger to eat cucumbers in the kitchen garden. My body a

ownstairs, began dining in the servants kitchen. It was my former luxury place. Nothing had been

moon, baby shower, political meeting and many more. I use my education knowledge and experience to conduct my work. The work seemed to be smart and suited me appropriately. I use to go to town and take part in recreational sessions in conferences. This was a pleasant change for me. I u

lean linen in thin boots and this was not a luxury to me. I had received a warm we

f the past and now I should find it difficult to define what there was so exceptional in her. What it was in her, attracted me so much at the time of dinner, it was all perfectly clear to me. I saw a lovely. She was young, good, intelligent, fascinating woman such as I had never met before and I felt I could love her at once because she was close to me. I was not familiar with that smart face. In my eyes, those cordial and ntelligent eyes, I had seen them somewhere in my childhood as I was checking the album wich I had found laying on my mother's chest of doors. My jaws use to chew slowly as I admired her. Her beauty was regarded as a gang of robbers since it stolen my mind quite groundlessly at dinner. I was very much excited. I was uncomfortable and I did not know what I said, but Faith kept shaking her head and saying to her husband how is this? "

I looked and there was another lady sitting beside the governor's wife and again the same irresistible, thrilling impression of beauty and sweet caressing eyes and again the same feeling of nearness we sat side by side then went to the foyer. " You have grown thinner." She said. "Have you been in stress?" "Yes. I had rheumatism in my shoulder and in rainy weather I can't sleep." I said. She looked dispirited in the spring. "When you came to dinner

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