ain of thoughts, I walked towards the door, then halted midway. 'What if the person knocking is the person that brought harm to Susan?' This question stopped me on my tracks. The door was already open, so why was the person knocking? Is the person trying to lure out anyone inside the room first, why? Is it to harm the person here too? So many questions, there was only one way to get the answers I need. I ran into Susan's room and hid by the door, so as to get a clear view of the person as he or she walks in. Sweat trickled down my neck as the door open, I swallowed air to try to reduce the tremor
rew, I....... I love you so much my son. But all the events that is g
where is
ou have to solv
ay? What hap
u is that Susan is o
is sh
s shut. 'Dad!' I yelled, there was no reply. After a while I started to doubt the fact that he was even here, it might have been my brain playing tricks with me. If
course of action should be. All I could think of was my dad and h
" I r
d you ge
olice.... wha.. ho
and it was also thanks to your
d? How
of nowhere, then tal
ou know I
you were here, I just
this apartment, did you
still at the po
re any
o go home right now. There's
tten any lea
t you said clearly" I said. "What you can see does not pose any threat to you," Kelvin said "Andrew have you forgotten that Susan is missing? We have to find h
did you hear
ng, why does that matter.. Andrew we
usan!" her name slipped right out of my mouth. Kelvin glanced at me with a bit of frown on his face. "Kelvin I have a clue now," I said. "Let's go then," Kelvin replied. I walked into Susan's room, to the drawer in there. I