img I hate that I love you  /  Chapter 3 SURPRISE | 50.00%
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Chapter 3 SURPRISE

Word Count: 582    |    Released on: 24/06/2022

f my hand, he took a hand sanitizer inside his kn

n't get germs." He massaged his hand into a circular motion

. He insulted me last night and he teased me while having breakfast and now, he tripped over my thrilling moments, I just felt a little r

his bad attitude, I wo

, I was relieved of my over -annoyance with myself.

to Steven yet?" a big smile flashed on hi

ed into his ear. He seems to have woken up from fighting with me last

to Joana in a w

spread my picture t

showed even m

g about that monster who is your heartless boss." He even glared

monsters have hearts." John Paolo suddenly ope

m, my friend did not intim

rt, they don't have a conscience." she stare

e war between John Paolo and my friends, finally th

ine Reyes, whose silky complexion, face, and body make her beautiful but she got a bad attitude, she is contemptuous, always likes to compare other people and she got a huge crush on John Pa

smates who makes my life mise

aolo who also had other friends. I avoided talking to him all day because my cursed classmates

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