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Chapter 5 A True Gentleman

Word Count: 2323    |    Released on: 27/06/2022

citedly, waving her phone which showcased all the Pinterest pins she'd already saved in the span of a

ning a nod from Bee and Leo before the for

ink I've waited for long enough." He muttered, giving her a chaste kiss that had me fake gagging as I tossed a stray rose petal

glass, excusing herself which left me under the ever watchful gaze o

c blue of his eyes taking me aback as well as his small smile as he

e someone at face value but a rock star ch

g absolutely genuine as he gestured at the decorations and all. I didn't know why but his words had a slight flush stretching a

h a small grin and wink that I regretted instantly as I chastised myself inwardly which seem

to one of the best rock stars in the wo

congratulations once more." Bee echoed once she returned to the room, her mischievous glint leaving me chuckling as she passed kisses and hugs

idering she has some pret

ridesmaid dress!" Gigi hollered, earning a legitimate frown from our best friend that had us two laughing at our insi

e called out before going through the door,

omorrow morning And you both need some time to process and celebrate." I declared, getting to

think I was

being more of a smile as he watched me with a kind o

tight, her eyes shining with tears as she held me at arms length

s do. That's all I ask for. Who knows, you might convince a non-believer like me to give this whole thing a shot." I fi

little too hard." Leo muttered, his words making me freeze momentarily as he took my Audi's keys from me before handing them to the smiling m

de a confined space with The Colton

..I'm sc

s as I made my way out and into the chilly driveway where my car was parked. It felt weird walking

k but I pushed it all aside, concentrating instead on entering

Its not the first time you've met a celebrity, Nova,

ar and my senses. Lemon, wood and spice. Brain foggy as I reveled in his presence, I chose instead to lower the window at the pret

f my favorite songs came on then, making me chuckle as I sang it lowly, absolutely oblivious to the rock star beside me as I lightly moved to the music that always seemed to lift my spirits, singing all t

riend just got engaged and that has me in quite the mood." I muttered shyly, avoiding

Actually get tipsy... you probably sound lik

at all... your voice is beautiful. I'm sure the twins would echo my words." His words sent a kind of shiver through m

ghtly open window, need to overreact..

at him for the first time since we began the journey to my place. It was a dumb question considering I knew that he did know

ometime, if you'd like, or get you an autograph." He suggested, granting me a small smile that l

music in a car with a stranger/celebrity." I replied playfully, earning a chuckle from him as he made the turning into the city. Something about

horny Nova at

lot, actually planning to go to their summer concert next month in LA so that's going to be fun." I piped up, all in an effort to cle

open to your own brot

mall glance, heartbreaker smile and wink that literally left me flustered as I turned to face the mirror once more, all in an effort

with a small smile, my courage restored as he granted me a melodious chuckle that seemed

man have such a beaut

he turned into the street leading towards my apartment, the realizat

how are You going to get to your own place?" I muttered, concern engulfing me just as we stopped in the undergr

he got out, circling the car to open the door for me that had me smiling slightly in thanks, taking his proffered hand that sent a literal chill down my

silent as we both seemed lost in our own thoughts, the ding bringing us back a

efore appearing after a bit just as a massive tinted Escalade stopped right at the curb, a bulky man exiting the passenger side, dressed in

Nova...Blonde much? He's one of the

hts that came with it, choosing instead to focus on the man before me who had just handed his guitar of

allowing me to drive your car. You have great taste." He muttered, his kind words a s

ay after my wide smile and wink at him, making my way through the lobby as I felt his gaze on my

at the same spot, his small wave making me chuckle as I returned it just as the doors closed, r

from him and the weird feeli




Chapter 1 Prologue Chapter 2 Right Place, Wrong Time Chapter 3 Amazing News Chapter 4 Happiness Chapter 5 A True Gentleman Chapter 6 Unexpected Guest Chapter 7 A True Home
Chapter 8 Star Struck
Chapter 9 Video Vixen
Chapter 10 Emo Night
Chapter 11 My Savior
Chapter 12 Unravel
Chapter 13 First Night Of Rest
Chapter 14 I Drive 'Stick' Really Well
Chapter 15 One Exciting Surprise After The Other
Chapter 16 Everyone Is Back Home...
Chapter 17 New York- The Concrete Jungle!
Chapter 18 Geeking Out With My Twin Brother
Chapter 19 He Wrote Me A Song!!!
Chapter 20 You Kissed Colton freaking Alexander!
Chapter 21 Preparing For The Festival
Chapter 22 Much Needed Girl Talk
Chapter 23 Wicked Witch Of The East
Chapter 24 Women Are Scary
Chapter 25 Hangout With Friends (I)
Chapter 26 Hangout With Friends (II)
Chapter 27 The Wedding(I)
Chapter 28 The Wedding (II)
Chapter 29 Our First Time!
Chapter 30 Time With His Family
Chapter 31 Him and I
Chapter 32 Making A New Friend
Chapter 33 Taking The Reigns Of My Life
Chapter 34 Unwanted Intrusion
Chapter 35 Suffocating Regret
Chapter 36 You're Safe With Me
Chapter 37 Girl's Night
Chapter 38 My Truth
Chapter 39 The Big Night
Chapter 40 His Absolute Muse
Chapter 41 The Ex Girlfriend Dilemma
Chapter 42 Heartfelt Conversation
Chapter 43 Our Growing Family
Chapter 44 The Truth (I)
Chapter 45 The Truth (II)
Chapter 46 My New Beginning
Chapter 47 A New Family
Chapter 48 The Reveal
Chapter 49 Trouble Lurking
Chapter 50 Reconciliation
Chapter 51 Confrontation
Chapter 52 Confrontation (II)
Chapter 53 Secrets
Chapter 54 The Truth
Chapter 55 The Charity Ball
Chapter 56 Sinister Plot
Chapter 57 Taken
Chapter 58 Breakthrough
Chapter 59 Fighting My Demons
Chapter 60 Despair and Hope
Chapter 61 You and I (I)
Chapter 62 You and I (II)
Chapter 63 My Healing
Chapter 64 True Justice
Chapter 65 Epilogue
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