img CALAMITY STAR  /  Chapter 2 Zihua | 40.00%
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Chapter 2 Zihua

Word Count: 577    |    Released on: 27/06/2022

avoid the villagers evil killing eyes.The sun was out and hot,I felt like


s not caring to know who he was . I ran back home as I've already pic



cultivating immorality,the desires of my entire life is to support the righteous ways so that they won't


ersonality is upright,he can't help but have some prejudice... Zihua, it's fifteen years pas

s,then I can only give the position to you moyan

they repli

n't know how to manage things,I can not take this

g the ten deity tools again, opening the void cave and releasing the great desolated energy force,lest the peop

e human realm,you must take th

near the ZU mountain area , before you become the sect lead

le you are investigating,you cannot make use of a

wn imme

s si

ft to meet his broth


y life ". Nixa tried explaining to Zihua " but Walter disappeared and Peter,even you have

..I can't disobey him ". Zihua

el around the world and protect the innocent? Why did you choose to take the sect leadership posi

eart out but was

dy left for

to rate and c

pters co

about the book

ok me on


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