s was
him. His thick hair was uncombed, his face peppered with stubble, his tie loose. He released a long, gusty breath as he dropped a folder on th
another homeless
alking to these vagrants. The smell... good God, the sme
ion with them... forget it. Most of 'em don't even know what planet they're
y to hear th
se up of a man's head. He was lying on an autopsy table, eyes closed. There was a ragged, mangled cavity where his throat had been. His skin was pale and his face was heavily lined. If Sam had to guess, she'd say
said. "There were puncture wounds... our killer took wo
d someone
tricity had been applied. All signs of
stem. Sodium Pentothal. Truth serum." The detective watched her, as if wai
h serum, why tort
was having fun. Either way, I'd wager that whatever information
hard look and the
, the word 'eclipse,' any idea what it mea
had been lied to a thousand times and was an expert at recognizing di
his grisly scene, seemingly for you... then he comes
t more defensively than she intended. "
her intently. "Anybody you k
don't know, I m
id "Well If you think of anything let me know. Please. We still got
g through a full mouth. "Gorsky thinks it's some ki
the man with the smiley-face shirt. She t
sends the be
he flipped papers to view the medical examiner'
.E. shakin' her head too. Near as she
reached into the cavity of the bite mark, scooping the void with hi
e glanced at her watch and bit back a curse. Once she got to the
zed on the passenger seat. S
my way to the
came back from getting my oil
nt to ask a
ook over old Henry's garage? A v
bviously heard about this new guy and went to scou
nged?" Kathy asked. Was it Sam's imagination
m okay,
o let him take a pe
the hospital parking lot. "Okay
ely to keep her mind off of last night's dream, of a hospital much li