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Don't Love Me

Don't Love Me

Author: MR KELLY
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Chapter 1 CHAP 1

Word Count: 985    |    Released on: 12/07/2022

had to get up or else it would end up bad for her Staring up at him with a grimace on his face, she couldn't hate him, she just couldn't. She wasn't tra

disdain as he looked down on her. He was ready to end her there and then an


stood ready to fight. The pain she felt her ribs was excruciating as a result of the constant assault on them, but she couldn

r. He was going to hit her again, she knew. He was too good at it, and she was just an amateur. She attacked first as s

She cried for help as the pain that he was inflicting on her was unbearable. He f

in because she knew that no matter how hard she tried, there was no way she

with fear written on her face. She couldn't do it anymore. The pain she felt was

. He bent down to her level and roughly grabbed her hair, causing a whimper to escape from

a shiver to run down her spine. "Never show weakness" he left her hair and

ou are already forgetting your basics. Pat

nsequence of di

face it." I couldb n

we do a recap?I won't have you lagging in the outside world bec

ack slowly towards her and bent down to her level once mor

ad suspected, she was giving a resounding slap on her right cheek This was her punishment fo

about your identity before your master fin

own on your prey, they could

r strike. The metallic ring on his finger made things Worse for he

up in her eyes. She blinked rapidly., she couldn't show

ing the pain she felt, and l

er her chin and lifted her face, swaying it to the side as though

inflicted on her face. He smacked her again and she fell to the

ng out of

e adjusted her hair that had already stuck to her face as a result of blood and sweat, and she

he walked away from her. but he sudde

rtant rule of


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