she going back to see if Mr black has completed theirs dicvorce jet and than she would come join in me in Miami and we ca n live our life like we want too bell told she had sign of Mr Black to stay to
look at her and said ate you sure about that bell. Bell just look at him and said you told me you going to take care of the divorce he said me family call me back home before I could file it so we still married girl and you will be coming home with me to night bell just look at him and ol really what if I refuse what can you do than he look at her and said I can throw you over my shoulder and carry you out or you can go willingly bell just look at him and said you have to catch me first at that time Mr black grabbed her arm and said caught you bell look green and said you have catch me now what do you intend to do to me Mr black just look at her and said I going to gave you the best sex of your life so you will not wouldn't leave me again because you are my wife and I will not let you go not now not ever.bell just look at him and said we see about that if the best sex I ever had Mr black he look at her and said bring your friend set with us bell f