t blazed on every walls of the cave. A dim glow of light hovered around him. Whether it wer
where she had described as fire side became vivid to him as he sensed a more temperate place which possibly couldn't be hell. The
hell. Hell had always horrified him, maybe he wished he escaped it though an hair's breath. He knew he did many s
the place beside the gates of hell. Witches here are in bondages unlike those who ran around the word with wi
de. It was a pentacle. Richard had learnt a lot about Pentacles as a sign of protection in the demonic world. He also had this on his back
aying from side to side in heavy breeze as others held their breath and clapped along to the rhythms that filled th
tion. He was obviously the reason for thier celebration. They were dressed in the garments of so much happiness that it had overwhelmed them which became diffic
She appeared quite different from Cassandra who appeared stunnin
pentaclel also blazed on her breast and Richard noticed that they all have this symbol, which made the part of their Witchcraft world safe. Every nerve and muscle sour, His name is Richard and I also fi
lost words in the way she acted out. He never liked when she grinned because her rotten
ce been rekindled, our proph
ether in bondage would be broken and
air with thier loud voices. Her eyes were red and b
before the gates of hell. I'm
earth and even beyond and now may we st
imagined her to be. He expected a more fragile woman, who will be buried on her bed lying helpless but he had read somew
dens stood by her side, caressing her fallen breast and he wondered what was the effect of the caress. His love for women made him give a long stare at t
k sorcerer stood beside them raising her staff to the air. His vision blurred as the smell of blood weakened him de
r eyes on Jennie,as she ra
you have to be involved in a sexual i
think I'm
looked at her head which he hadn't noticed when they arrived
is your only freedom to earth or yo
have I
your d
about destiny, prophec
a prophecy you must fufi
o marry Cassandra. His sudden silence became clear to her that he was frightened. He began sweating profusely, using
could hear the helpless cries of humans echo, bruised hands in their millions holding the gate
ices you hear at
e a slave in paradi
l do anything y
give her assurance from his current fright. They all budged towards his position encircling him in rains of
f hell for millenium. we also desir
s and our mothers for their refusal to produce a male
r few moments
e would remain he
ing to get a detailed reason for
out in a prophecy which would be havi
half human and half wizard who
free. We can move freely
and dragged him towards a green liq
my daughter, do you understand young man' s
oo hard on him,
once, in urgency for him to
uitably assumed it was a dream but everything seemed visible. Cassandra clapped her hands as maids cam
ver of Fireside, le
! Am
y well that a thousand eyes constantly gazed at him with a gilmpse of hope.he imagined how these people survived here, in this world of fire an