cate and fragile condition coveys a lots of unsaid stories, Robin is seen hanging faintly with her hands bound with a thick bold rope whirled tightly over her hands and pas
miseries that is only about how her father would be? As she had promised him not to leave him ever again. The darkened eye circles of her closed eyes demonstrate her weakness, tiresomeness and hunger.Little instantaneous sparkles of twinkling stars manifests that a small window
ight settled over her face, "You have gone through three days stuck in this hell, I guess. Aren't you hungry? Are you?. Oh! B
painful expressions, He opens the cap of the short water bottle and pours the water into her mouth, letting multiple cascade channels of the fluxive fluid gravitate down to the ground. With the choking breaths
ads Roger to set his foot back into the deceased room along with a lengthy iron rod and a nefarious smile revealing over his face, while mentioning a firm statement,