y of vengeance, as though to strike Miko down would somehow lessen my own grief. Whatever Carter's purpose, Snap had n
on the Moon-scheming doubtless to seize the treasure when the Planetara stopped at the Moon on the return voyage. I thought I could name those masquerading passengers. Ob
our best plan was to secure evidence which would incriminate all who were concerned in the plot. Miko, we were convinced, had been the Martian who followed Snap and me from Halsey's office in Greater New York. George Prfaintest possible evidence against Ob Hahn or Rankin. And even the purser would proba
on their guard. It was Carter's idea to let Miko remain at liberty for a time and see if we could identify and inc
this voyage to learn what they can. When they get to Ferrok-Shahn, they'll make their report, and then we'll have a real danger on our hands. Wh
e details of Grantline were given them. So now it was decided that in the remaining nine days
e land," declared Carter grimly. "They
utile pla
w. Bullet projectors and heat ray cylinders. And we had several eavesd
passed. The Planetara was some six million miles fro
utz, effeminate little hairdresser, who waxed rich acting as beauty doctor for the women passen
ot to think of them. I sat,
ent for it. I dragged myself to the stern deck
e great vault of the heavens around us. A dismantled electronic projector-necess
rince. A long black robe covered him, but his head was bare. And suddenly he reminded me of the ancient play-character of Hamlet. His black, wavy hair; his finely chiseled, pallid face, set now in a stern patrician cast. And staring, I realizefrom his bed and still trembling from excitement of this sudden, inexplicable death on board, said a brief, solemn little prayer. An appeal: T
was now at this instant, on this starlit
saw her brother gaze silently; saw him stoop and implant a kiss-and turn
ce, white and calm and peacef
pering to me. He had his ar
see them as they put the body in the tube, sen
undred feet away, circling us. Held by the Planetara's bulk, it had momentarily become our satel
a small zed-co-ray projector. Its dull light caught trotating black oblong. But in a moment distance dwindled it to a speck. A dull s
hed. Ani