ized work because we from being single to engaged women in a month we have good taste in man don't we yea we do all them girl can eat theirs heart out because these two ar
but me you know that we are max and johnny girlfriend not those two them two couldn't get a man because they are so ugly that no man can stand to look at them for more than five minutes without throw up I just hope max and joh
idea to me brother let go so max and Johnny goes and see there girlfriend and took them to Paris one of the girl tell me y'all don't have sex with those two ugly daughter's baby you know don't we us a broom handle to have sex with those two ugly girls we where using them to put theirs mother in jail for the rest of her life but first we get to get them throw in jail with their mother. so they went to the party with there girlfriend and excited everything to theirs girlfriend told that they had to fool the two two women get that trust so that can help the town people get rid of the her wicke
nd Frey
Emma and Cynthia they walk over to max and Johnny dancing with Cathy and Freya and told to get away from theirs man Cathy and Freya look at them and said we just meet them having fun at a party but if they want to fight we will not back down from a fight. Emma and Cynthia just laugh and said y'all two are miles apart from us we the own of this town and we hold all the power where y'all don't hand nothing so evil girl call theirs man over and told them to escort those two out Cathy and Freya look at max and Johnny and they both spoke up and said you have to do that this is my father friend Jimmy and Donna daughter's we just keep them company as our parents ask us to do. So max and Johnny ask Cathy and Freya to go and dance with someone else we come and see y'all later Cathy and Fre
there trust because our men going to propose marriage them to