him that a sergeant wished to see him, and Sam directed him to show him into his office. Th
would be glad to 'ear of it. I 'ave the 'abit of observing things, and most soldiers don't. Why, bless me, you can march them into a country and out again, and with their eyes front, they don't see a bloomin' thing. They're tra
them runs off and gets a ladle and gives him a t
you don't call that
was a-hemptyin'.' That's the soldier all over aga
what that has to do wi
ers from Baluna too, and know his handwritin'. I only wanted to say that I used to be a writin'-master and that I can copy any writin' goin' or any signature either, so you can't tell them apart. Now why couldn't we forge an answer from Baluna to Gom
native uniform," said Sam. "I don't know
led knowingly, b
et native officers to do
rst they wouldn't like it. But give them money eno
Sam. "Nobody in our army, officer or man
ere of one of our principal gene
best not t
n officers on such an expedition," he sai
two or three others you could pick out. I'd like to go too. And then I'd
m. "I'll think it over, and perhaps consult the
rgeant Keene of the 5th
Cleary came in, and Sam l
for forgery and counterfeiting. I don't like his looks. That's a great scheme th
andard of honor than civilians. I'll
him the first company of one hundred troops. Meanwhile he selected three officers of the Regular Army to accompany him besides Keene, and through the latter approached three native officers who had been captured at San Diego. One of these was a close con
fessed to Cleary, "but the general sa
fering them food. They had no difficulty in obtaining exact directions as to Gomaldo's situation, but found that it lay in the midst of an uninhabited district where it was impossible to obtain supplies, the village where he had established his headquarters being the only one within many miles. They scraped together what food they could in the shape of rice, Indian corn, and dried beef, and set out on the last stage of their journey. There had been heavy rains recently, and the mountain paths were almost impassable. There were swift rivers to cross, precipices to climb, and jungles
his friend on his success in leading the reenforcements and in capturing the prisoners, and gave express instructions that the latter should be treated with all consideration. The carriers were commanded by a native lieutenant, who insisted that the prisoners should share equ
is man gave an order in a low voice, whereupon the whole expedition discharged their rifles, and half-a-dozen of the body-guard fell to the ground. In the mean time two of the native officers threw their arms round Gomaldo and took him prisoner, and his partizans were seized with a panic. Sam took command of his men, who outnumbered the loyal natives, and in a few minutes he had unchallenged control of the post without losing a single man, killed or woun
several days, they arrived at Havilla, Sam was received as a conquering
it is, for everybody says so, but somehow it has left a bad tast
. We're going to Porsslania in a fortnight, you and I, and