ention. It would go so well with her eyes, he thought staring through the glass at it, imagining her without clothes and with only the necklace shining on her neck as he drove her to ecstasy, his fingers digging deep into... What the fuck was he doing? He thought shaking his head in disbelief. He walked into the shop, pointing at the necklace. The seller bowed deeply obviously recognizing him and then offered him the necklace. Damon paid and walked back to the car clutching the thing in his hand. "Drive" he commanded again and then sat back to observe the necklace. It was beautiful but never as beautiful as her, she was like a burst of fresh air and he was turning into a poet, he thought disgustingly throwing the necklace at the far end of the car. They got out in front of his father's office and as usual the paparazzi began hurling questions about his marriage and taking pictures just so they could have more sales when he is on the front page. He walked into the office building and was greeted by the receptionist who batted her fake lashes at him and bent forward a little so her boob job was staring at him right in the face. He looked at them for a while and then back at her face, she smiled at him revealing gap tooth and then directed him to the underground basement where the meeting was taking place but not before writing down her number in a piece of paper and placing gingerly in his hand. His father had gotten this new receptionist and it was obvious they were both fucking, so she wanted to screw father and son ehh... he was going to show her just how much fucking him could mess a woman up, maybe that would get Serena out of his system although he highly doubted it. Damon rapped the door three times in succession and entered, he was acknowledged by a nod from his father and shown into the seat that was reserved for him. "Someone stole from us." The man at the right called Antonio said. "Who is it?" Damon asked flexing his fingers, who would be stupid enough to steal from the mafia. "I asked you here today Son because it seems your wife's family have been causing trouble. Her father is going to be involved in this, we have no idea who took the money but the tape picked up her father at the scene. We can only assume he helped the thief." "What makes you so sure he is not the thief." Damon asked turning to his father. "I have known the man half my life, he can be a chronic debtor but he is not a thief. Too cowar