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Chapter 7 A word with the King

Word Count: 1089    |    Released on: 19/08/2022

yet to know what her father did to the king and why he hates her father so much Ryan stared at Xeelany in mare pitty he hopes that king Xavier find a place in his heart to forgive king Archibath else

re won't exceed today She finally got to the gate of the dungeon, she watched as Xeelany placed her head on her legs clutching her body tightly with her palms, poor thing she muttered beneath her breath She looked at the sleeping guards and smiled to herself, before reaching out to the keys that was chained to the iron belt on his trouser, she slowly opened the door after which she had removed the keys and Xeelany raised her gaze slowly to meet with hers "Your highness" Xeelany bowed "What are you doing here, you might get into trouble if the king finds out about this day" she muttered in fear and Hylex ignored "Keep your voice down Xeelany, I managed to put the guards to sleep" she muttered stretching the duvet to her "Here, lay this on the floor and use this to cover up, I brought you some juice too, you must be hungry," she said all in just a moment and Xeelany stared sarcastically at her She doesn't know if to believe this lady or just expect the worse again "I will be back before the 7th tick of the short pointer" she muttered jolting Xeelany out of her thoughts "Thank you" she managed to say and slowly reached out for the duvet King Xavier stood at the top of the palace as he watch the moon, it was so bright, he wished his life was as bright and fair as this Moon Memories of that particular day embraced his head, oh sweet day, he can't seem to get that day out of his head, he miss her so much her hands her soft lips, and her enticing smile, he lost all hopes of seeing her the moment he found out about Xeelany, the only person that reminds him of her, his the daughter of a monster, how could he possibly think she was the one His Xiamen was so calm elegant, blind yet sophisticated she could n

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