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Chapter 9 Training Techniques and Dungeons

Word Count: 1457    |    Released on: 20/09/2022

There were machetes, katanas, swords, daggers, axes, hammers, scimitars, scythes and many more types of weapons. Alex stared at this scen

doesn't mean that you can ignore others as there might come a time where you'll not have your favorite. But who said one must only uti

ung, smashed and pulled different weapons until he got double swords. During the physical fitness training, his left arm became just as active as his right arm even though

w how to control and release the intent through your specific weapon. So, you'll be training several aspects of using intent. There might be some training which you might think that

hter must know. With this, the movement and his body coordination would become fluid. This is what makes a fighter as one may know a technique

every error he made. This might seem low for someone who had done physical training for over a year but, consindering that he made many mis

. The following days, his movements began taking shape until after a whole long month, he was proficient in the movement techniqu

e a fatal injury to those in rank 1 middle stage depending on the quality of the weapons. The second step was stabbing. In this case, one learns how to utilize a sword as a spear. This focuses mainly on pen

pness of the sword and the final step is where one can send the intent flying. The inte

st to master which made him shake his head while thinking of the future. 'If the most basic took me five months to learn, just how long will it take me to complete an ultimate techni

tion into their first stage, the Martial stage. These hunts made him have some fighting experience in a life and

train to a level where he could produce an intent, let alone making it flying. He was also taught one or two on a long dista

morning. But before we leave, you must first fight against a martial monster and beat it so that we can get the core whi

He was really itching to have a decent fight where he can finally get a challenge and wipe the

nking for warriors which are just like the normal rankings but they do have specific names which you can learn when you join the academy. Even though warriors don't use ma

o mess even a single bit but he was ready to

only be starters, they are good in fighting compared to those you've been fighting all this time. So be serious a

e first floor, the monsters are found in rooms. The first room has an initial stage rank 1 monster. The next room has two and the more rooms you enter the higher the number of monsters or ra

ture as I pass through the guild to do some purchases for usage back home. After that, we'll depart," Simon continued as he stood up ready to go




Chapter 1 Synopsis and Prologue Chapter 2 Alex Chapter 3 You Have to Train Chapter 4 Training Starts~Stamina Chapter 5 Stamina(2) Chapter 6 Moving Out for Training Chapter 7 Kravon Town Chapter 8 Physical Training Chapter 9 Training Techniques and Dungeons Chapter 10 First Hunt, Rank 1 Monster Chapter 11 Back Home
Chapter 12 Moving Out Solo
Chapter 13 Bandits
Chapter 14 Awakening
Chapter 15 Back in Town
Chapter 16 Joining the Guild
Chapter 17 Time to Hustle
Chapter 18 System Awakening Skill
Chapter 19 Awakening
Chapter 20 Sameer
Chapter 21 Tamix
Chapter 22 Ruth and Sath
Chapter 23 Golden System
Chapter 24 Using the System
Chapter 25 Tower of Origin
Chapter 26 Dungeon Drops
Chapter 27 Inside Tower of Origin
Chapter 28 Starter Pack
Chapter 29 First Mission Reward
Chapter 30 System Store
Chapter 31 Insane Increase in Power
Chapter 32 Trouble Begins
Chapter 33 In the Tower Again
Chapter 34 Sequential Breakthroughs
Chapter 35 Second Floor
Chapter 36 Swirling Wind
Chapter 37 Glimpse of Intent
Chapter 38 Using Sword Intent
Chapter 39 Four Days in the Tower
Chapter 40 Woolly Mammoth
Chapter 41 Rank 2 Mage
Chapter 42 Soul Weapon
Chapter 43 Full Bond
Chapter 44 Transformed Infringer
Chapter 45 The Might of Infringer
Chapter 46 Testing all Abilities
Chapter 47 Caracal
Chapter 48 Ranking Up
Chapter 49 Rank 3 Warrior
Chapter 50 Dual Rank 3
Chapter 51 Knowledge Tab
Chapter 52 Day 2
Chapter 53 Basics of a Warrior
Chapter 54 Becoming a Warrior
Chapter 55 Fully Fledged Novice Warrior
Chapter 56 Consecutive Purchases
Chapter 57 Basics of a Mage
Chapter 58 Final Day in the Tower
Chapter 59 First Step Towards Revenge
Chapter 60 Gains From the Tower
Chapter 61 An Upgrade
Chapter 62 Kravon Dungeons
Chapter 63 Goblins Hub
Chapter 64 Looting Looters
Chapter 65 Obliterating Rank 2 Goblins
Chapter 66 Inner Region
Chapter 67 Sweeping the Goblins Village
Chapter 68 Carol
Chapter 69 Peak Rank 3 Saber-Toothed Tiger
Chapter 70 Border to the Core Region
Chapter 71 Instant Power Up
Chapter 72 Iron Fists Group
Chapter 73 Crushing Iron Fists With Fists
Chapter 74 Rank 4 Mantis (1)
Chapter 75 Rank 4 Mantis (2)
Chapter 76 Leaving the dungeon
Chapter 77 Becoming Rich
Chapter 78 Inner World
Chapter 79 Essence Gathering and Purifying Formation
Chapter 80 Fast Progress
Chapter 81 Abnormality
Chapter 82 Mage Rank Up
Chapter 83 Spiritual Essence
Chapter 84 Essence Purification
Chapter 85 Rank 4
Chapter 86 Celestial Sword Style
Chapter 87 Out of the Inner World
Chapter 88 Jane's Speciality
Chapter 89 Consequences
Chapter 90 Viridescent Eagle
Chapter 91 Unsealing the Seals
Chapter 92 Breezing the Core Region
Chapter 93 Goblins Fortress
Chapter 94 Rank 5 Hobgoblin
Chapter 95 Romani Kingdom Spies
Chapter 96 Secret Mission
Chapter 97 Romani Kingdom's Plans
Chapter 98 Dungeon Break
Chapter 99 Taking Over the Dungeon
Chapter 100 Dungeon Panel
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